Global Opportunities

Some of your most memorable and rewarding experiences at Concordia University, Nebraska will happen outside the classroom. In fact, they may even happen in another country.  

In keeping with our mission, Concordia offers a wide variety of opportunities abroad to promote your intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth. The broader and richer your experiences, the more effective you’ll be as a servant-leader. 

Go abroad and you can gain cross-cultural and global life skills! 

A student standing in front of a graffiti wall mural that says Berlin.
Elizabeth Ascher
Elizabeth Ascher
Sioux Falls, S.D.

When you’re in another country, you are constantly observing a way of life that is different from your own, which expands your perspective of the world.

Study or Intern Abroad

Spend a semester or summer in another country, taking a full course of study and immersing yourself in an international culture. Concordia will help you find a program that enriches your academic experience, gets you class credit and plunges you into a different language and culture to expand your worldview. 

You may also choose to explore potential careers and obtain real-world experience in a professional environment. With the help of the Global Opportunities Center, you can secure an internship or practicum that matches your goals and interests, to help you gain knowledge in your field and expand your horizons in an international locale. 

Whether you spend a semester abroad or a shorter summer experience, Concordia can help you find an experience that fits your timeframe, your program and your passions! 

Faculty-led Study Tours

Gain a global perspective, see the world and meet people of other cultures through international study tours. These short-term international trips allow you to experience another country and gain academic credit at the same time – most study tours are led by Concordia faculty members and take place during winter break, spring break, or part of May term. Study tours offer a diverse range of subjects and destinations, from biology credit in Belize to literature credit in England. 

Mission and Service Here and Abroad 

Volunteer your time and talents through service work in such places as central and eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Past projects have included working with children, youth and adults in Bible school activities in Alaska, teaching English as a second language in China and medical mission trips to Guatemala. 

Service opportunities at Concordia

International Student Teaching

Concordia partners with several schools in international locations where education students can complete an eight-week international student teaching placement. 

Education programs at Concordia

Contact Information

Visit our Global Opportunities page for more details on opportunities abroad, or contact Julie Johnston Hermann. 

Photo of Julie

Julie Johnston Hermann

Director of Global Opportunities

Thom Leadership Education Center 008

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