Concordia Nebraska a “home away from home” for Clausing siblings, whose parents serve as missionaries in Tanzania

Published by Amy Crawford 6 months ago on Mon, Sep 16, 2024 1:41 PM

Attending Concordia Nebraska is somewhat of a family tradition for the Clausing family. Eunice Clausing, a freshman at the university, has followed in the footsteps of her sister Eleanor (Ellie) Clausing ’24, brother Ernest (Ernie) Clausing ’26, uncle Benjamin Clausing ’01 and mother Anita (Shields) Clausing, ‘98.  

The Clausing siblings grew up in East Africa as missionary kids, and Ellie, Ernie and Eunice agree the Concordia Nebraska community is a cherished home away from home. Although freshman Eunice is new to the university, her mom and siblings have prepared her for her time on campus.  

“I’m looking forward to the Christ-centered community where I might make many lifelong friends,” she said.  

Rev. Jonathan Clausing and Anita Clausing serve the Lord as missionaries through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Eastern Africa, based in Tanzania. Jonathan serves as a theological educator at St. Peter Theological Seminary in Himo, Tanzania, teaching a variety of courses in multiple departments.  

“In Tanzania, East Africa, my father and my family live in small city called Moshi. Moshi sits on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, which is famous for being the tallest lone standing mountain in the world and for being the tallest mountain in Africa,” said Eunice. “My father commutes forty-five minutes to an hour to the seminary where he works. His students are not always what we traditionally might think of as seminary students. Many of his students are already ordained pastors who are attending the seminary because they recognize their deficiencies in some areas.”  

Majors, plans and your idea of what your future will look like will change, but a community built around God’s Word will always be important. Concordia offers so many opportunities to hear the Gospel, in class, in chapel, in Praise, in Evening Prayer and in Bible studies. Christ is central to what Concordia does. The community at Concordia is so kind and welcoming.

Jonathan and Anita have nine children — Emil, Ellie, Ernie, Eunice, Ethan, Eric, Eileen, Elijah and Emmanuel. Emil works at Concordia University Chicago; Ellie teaches in York, Nebraska; Ernie and Eunice both attend Concordia University, Nebraska; and their other five children are with them on the mission field.  

Like their parents, the Concordia Nebraska Clausing siblings demonstrate gifts in teaching. Mom Anita has a degree in secondary education and a DCE certificate. Eunice plans to major in elementary education with an Early Childhood Endorsement. Ernie is also an elementary education major with a Lutheran Teaching Diploma and ESL Endorsement. He is minoring in Biblical languages. Ellie majored in elementary education with an English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement and a Lutheran Teacher Diploma. She began her teaching career this fall at Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School in York, Nebraska.  

Ellie said she chose Concordia Nebraska because of the university’s Christ-centered Lutheran focus.  

“I also chose it because it offered a specific major I was initially interested in, but that really turned out to be less important,” she said. “Majors, plans and your idea of what your future will look like will change, but a community built around God’s Word will always be important. Concordia offers so many opportunities to hear the Gospel, in class, in chapel, in Praise, in Evening Prayer and in Bible studies. Christ is central to what Concordia does. The community at Concordia is so kind and welcoming. I have made lifelong friends here, and many good memories in the process! On top of it all, the town of Seward is just as kind and welcoming. I really do consider Seward my new home.” 

Ellie said the welcoming community at Concordia Nebraska and Seward’s small-town feel together created the perfect environment for her when she moved back to the United States.  

Ernie, a junior this fall, said he was surprised by how many of the university’s faculty members are active on campus outside of the classroom. Whether they’re organizing clubs or getting to know students, he said the faculty exude a warm welcome and genuinely care for the university’s students.  

After graduation, Ernie dreams of teaching third, fourth or fifth grade in a Lutheran school while making use of this ESL endorsement. He said one of his favorite things about Concordia Nebraska is the sense of community.  

“I enjoy walking between classes and chapel, greeting people I know as I walk by. I enjoy working and learning with people who have interests similar to mine,” he said. “The biggest change has been switching cultures and moving from a place where I had an established community to a place where I hardly knew anybody. Concordia's community, though, has been very welcoming, and it has become a sort of home-away-from-home.”  

Ellie said she did encourage her siblings to attend Concordia Nebraska, but it really didn’t take much encouragement for them to consider the university. 

“I did encourage my siblings to attend here, although I don't think they needed any convincing!” she said. “My siblings are interested in education and Biblical languages, and Concordia has great programs for these. Also, for my siblings, repatriating into a country after being overseas for a while can be challenging. Concordia and Seward is the perfect kind, caring environment for moving back to the states!” 

Concordia University, Nebraska’s education program prepares teachers to lead, teach and serve from a foundation of faith that asserts the value of every individual. Education majors will sharpen their God-given gifts as they learn to minister to future students, families, churches and communities. 

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