M.A. Marriage and Family Therapy
As a student in the master's in marriage and family therapy program, you’ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses with a distinctive blend of faith-based instruction and real-world experience.
These classes will help you consider modern psychological theories and practices with a Christian worldview and are taught by esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.
Application is open!
Marriage and Family Therapy Sample Schedule of Courses
Marriage and Family Therapy Courses
MFT 505
Psychotherapy and Cultural Diversity 3 cr.
MFT 508
Addictions, Assessment, and Interventions 3 cr.
MFT 527
Legal, Ethical and Moral Issues in Family Therapy/Education 3 cr.
MFT 530
Crisis and Trauma in Community Mental Health 3 cr.
MFT 542
Christian Spiritual Formation and Psychotherapy 3 cr.
MFT 551
Theories of Psychotherapy 3 cr.
MFT 554
Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy 3 cr.
MFT 562
Couples/Marriage Intervention and Therapy 3 cr.
MFT 610
Advanced Life Span Developmental Psychology 3 cr.
MFT 612
Child and Adolescent Therapy 3 cr.
MFT 616
Psychopathology 3 cr.
MFT 618
Family Dysfunctions, Interventions and Therapy 3 cr.
MFT 622
Research Methodology 3 cr.
MFT 629
Psychological Assesment 3 cr.
MFT 631
Introduction to Clinical Practice: Basic Skills 3 cr.
MFT 632
Introduction to Clinical Practice: Advanced Skills 3 cr.
MFT 636
Group & Interpersonal Relationship Skills 3 cr.
MFT 642
Psychobiology and Psychopharmacology 3 cr.
MFT 646
Introduction to Clinical Placement 1 cr.
MFT 648
Clinical Consultation 1 cr.
MFT 660
Clinical Placement 1 3 cr.
MFT 661
Clinical Placement 2 3 cr.
62 Total Credits
Do you know someone who would love to earn their Christ-centered master's degree at Concordia University, Nebraska? Let us know, and we'll reach out to them!