M.Ed. Early Childhood Special Education

Early Childhood Special Education Featured Courses

As a student in the master's in early childhood special education program at Concordia Nebraska, you’ ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses related to various aspects of the early childhood special education profession. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various early childhood special education careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.

EDUC 578
Infants and Toddlers: Development, Methods, Curriculum & Assessment (Birth-3) 3 credits
Emphasis on linguistic, physical, social, cognitive, moral, emotional, aesthetic development of children from birth to age three; developmentally appropriate methodology, curriculum, and assessment; family partnerships; advocacy; professionalism; resources for families of children from birth to age three.
EDUC 501
Contemporary Thought in Education 3 credits
This course provides an examination of the theoretical and philosophical bases for contemporary educational patterns; and current educational issues. Interests of the participants will determine the areas of application to private and public education.
EDUC 655
Inclusive Practices, Family Partnerships, and Differentiation in Early Childhood Education 3 credits
This course provides an overview of the characteristics in young children with disabilities and how services under federal and state regulations/statutes are determined. Family systems, parent/family advocacy, and the influence of cultural perspectives on the education of young children with disabilities will be covered in this course. Best practice models for inclusive classroom (general education settings) learning are presented. Models of Co-teaching will be provided and explored. Team models and planning for instruction are discussed. Professional and ethical practices related to the legal, historical, and social foundations for early childhood special education are included in this course. This course will include 10 hours of direct contact with children with disabilities and 10 hours of observation.
PSY 511
Psychological Foundations of Teaching and Learning 3 credits
A study of selected theories of learning and their implications for the classroom setting. Applications of psychological principles and research to instructional situations with an emphasis on those that involve a Christian setting.

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Early Childhood Special Education Sample Schedule of Courses

The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.

Program Courses
EDUC 578
Infants and Toddlers: Development, Methods, Curriculum & Assessment (Birth-3) 3 cr.
EDUC 580
Pre-Primary Education: Development, Methods, Curriculum & Assessment (Ages 3 through 5) 3 cr.
EDUC 501
Contemporary Thought in Education 3 cr.
EDUC 650
Family and Culture 3 cr.
EDUC 594
Research Evaluation and Design 3 cr.
EDUC 655
Inclusive Practices, Family Partnerships, and Differentiation in Early Childhood Education 3 cr.
EDUC 657
Teaching Students with Autism and Severe/Profound Disabilities 3 cr.
EDUC 602
History and Context of Early Childhood Special Education 3 cr.
PSY 511
Psychological Foundations of Teaching and Learning 3 cr.
EDUC 692
Observing and Assessing the Young Child with Disabilities 3 cr.
EDUC 576
Behavior Management in Inclusive Settings 3 cr.
EDUC 625
Serving and Leading in Community and World 3 cr.
36 Total Credits
Photo of Annette

Early Childhood Special Education Faculty

As experts in early childhood special education, our faculty and instructors bring years of experience to the classroom.

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