School Counseling Featured Courses
As a student in the master's in school counseling at Concordia Nebraska, you’ ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses related to various aspects of the school counseling profession. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various school counseling careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.
COU 501
Foundations of School Counseling 3 credits
Study of the conceptual foundation and elements of the American School Counseling (ASCA) National Model including history, philosophy, principles, domains (academic, career, and personal/social), rationale, competencies, and trends. This course underlines the vital role that school counselors play in advocating for the needs of all students, while simultaneously collaborating with teachers, families, advisory councils, school boards, and other community stakeholders. Focus will be on beliefs, benefits, vision, and outcomes for a successful, comprehensive, professional, school counseling program.
COU 503
Counseling Diverse Populations 3 credits
An examination of attitudes, understanding, and application of counseling skills relevant to working with students and families in a diverse and ever-changing world. This course will help prepare counselors with the collaborative skills needed to serve all students in schools and community. Issues confronted include, but are not limited to; ethnic and racial background, age, English language proficiency, special needs, religion, gender, and economic status.
COU 515
Group Theory and Counseling 3 credits
This course examines the purpose, development, dynamics, theories, methods, skills, and ethics of group counseling in the schools. This course includes a field experience component at either the elementary, middle, or high school level. Students will observe, participate in, and review a 6 week small group experience in the schools under the leadership of a professional school counselor. Sites must be secured prior to enrollment in course and approved by course instructor.
EDUC 520
Literacy Assessment and Intervention 3 credits
This course emphasizes the assessment and intervention process involving "striving" readers from diverse ability, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Special emphases include: identification of literacy difficulties, formal and informal assessment tools, evaluation, data analysis, discussion of dyslexia and appropriate intervention.
EDUC 593
Basic Foundations of Special Education and Inclusive Practices 3 credits
This course emphasizes awareness, knowledge of Special Education terms, collaboration and consultation, and empathy for exceptional and culturally diverse children; it provides an overview of the history, introduction to current theory, research, ethical practice, and inclusive practices in special education. An overview of exceptional learner characteristics will be explored with an emphasis on understanding and teaching students with special needs within common structures found in schools today focused on student needs being served in an inclusive setting. This course includes 5 hours of observation of children with disabilities.
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School Counseling Sample Schedule of Courses
The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.
Program Courses (Track 1)
COU 501
Foundations of School Counseling 3 cr.
COU 502
Ethical and Legal Issues in School Counseling 3 cr.
COU 503
Counseling Diverse Populations 3 cr.
COU 510
Counseling Theories 3 cr.
COU 512
Child & Adolescent Development and Learning 3 cr.
COU 515
Group Theory and Counseling 3 cr.
EDUC 594
Research Evaluation and Design 3 cr.
COU 520
Counseling Program Development and Management 3 cr.
COU 522
Fundamentals of Assessment 3 cr.
COU 530
Consultation Strategies in the School 3 cr.
COU 550
Abnormal Psychology 3 cr.
COU 560
Trauma and Crisis Intervention 3 cr.
COU 570
Career and Educational Development in the Schools 3 cr.
COU 600
School Counselor Capstone 2 cr.
COU 601
Internship I (PK-6) 3 cr.
COU 602
Internship II (7-12) 3 cr.
50 Total Credits
Track 2 Additional Courses
EDUC 520
Literacy Assessment and Intervention 3 cr.
EDUC 551
Curriculum Design and Evaluation 3 cr.
EDUC 576
Behavior Management in Inclusive Settings 3 cr.
EDUC 593
Basic Foundations of Special Education and Inclusive Practices 3 cr.
12 Total Credits
Track 2 is for students who have not previously earned a teaching certificate.
School Counseling Faculty
As experts in school counseling, our faculty and instructors bring years of experience to the classroom.
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