Christian Education Leadership Featured Courses
As a student in the Christian education leadership major at Concordia Nebraska, you’ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses related to various aspects of the Christian education leadership profession. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various Christian education leadership careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.
REL 121
History and Literature of the Old Testament 3 credits
A historical and theological survey of the Old Testament era and the Old Testament writings with an emphasis on summarizing and communicating their major themes.
REL 131
History and Literature of the New Testament 3 credits
A historical and theological survey of the New Testament era and the New Testament writings with an emphasis on summarizing and communicating their major themes.
THEO 210
Faith and Life 3 credits
This course examines the implications of Lutheran Christian theology for an understanding of vocation at both the personal and corporate levels. The emphasis of the course is on the application to life of biblically based Lutheran theology. Topics to be explored will include, but will not be limited to: a survey of the Reformation era, the proper distinction between Law and Gospel, two-kingdoms theology, the priesthood of all believers, vocation, stewardship, ethics, and select contemporary issues in Christian theology.
CEL 484
Confirmation Planning and Implementation 2 credits
The purpose, history, and structure of confirmation in the Lutheran Church is reviewed and assessed for the purpose of structuring and outlining implementation strategies for use in a local congregation. Adult and junior confirmation programs are considered.
THEO 362
Christian Doctrine II 3 credits
This course examines Lutheran doctrine and applies it to the work, worship, and life of the Christian community. The topics are the Church’s mission and ministry, the means of grace (Word and Sacraments), the person and work of the Holy Spirit, justification, the Church, Christian living, predestination, and eschatology.
CEL 480
Practicum in DCE Ministries 1.5 credits
A course designed to expose DCE students to the history, philosophy, current research, and skills/attitudes of DCE ministry in addition to an on-site involvement with a DCE serving a congregation.
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Christian Education Leadership Sample Schedule of Courses
The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.
Semester 1
CEL 229
Introduction to DCE Ministries 2 cr.
PSY 101
Introduction to Psychology 3 cr.
REL 121
History and Literature of the Old Testament 3 cr.
SOC 101
Introduction to Sociology 3 cr.
First-Year Experience 1 cr.
General Education 3 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 2
CEL 329
DCE Ministries II: The Emerging DCE 2 cr.
EDPS 210
Educational Psychology and Child Development 3 cr.
REL 131
History and Literature of the New Testament 3 cr.
CEL 235
CEL Field Experiences I 1 cr.
General Education 4 cr.
13 Total Credits
Semester 3
EDUC 362
Teaching the Christian Faith 2 cr.
PSY 341
Group Techniques 3 cr.
THEO 210
Faith and Life 3 cr.
CEL 335
CEL Field Experiences II 1 cr.
General Education 3 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 4
THEO 241
Interpretation of Selected Old Testament Prophetical Books 3 cr.
General Education 10 cr.
13 Total Credits
Semester 5
CEL 484
Confirmation Planning and Implementation 2 cr.
PSY 442
Introduction to Counseling 3 cr.
THEO 361
Christian Doctrine I 3 cr.
General Education 4 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 6
CEL 388
Youth Ministry Theory and Methods 3 cr.
CEL 487
Planning Adult Education in the Parish 3 cr.
THEO 362
Christian Doctrine II 3 cr.
General Education 4 cr.
13 Total Credits
Semester 7
CEL 480
Practicum in DCE Ministries 1.5 cr.
CEL 485
Parish Education Program Administration 3 cr.
General Education 9 cr.
13.5 Total Credits
Semester 8
CEL 480
Practicum in DCE Ministries 1.5 cr.
CEL 483
Leadership Development: Enabling Others to Lead and Teach 3 cr.
CEL 486
Family Life Ministry 3 cr.
THEO 450
Understanding and Teaching the Bible 3 cr.
General Education 3 cr.
13.5 Total Credits
Christian Education Leadership Faculty
As experts in Christian education leadership, our faculty and instructors bring years of experience to the classroom.
Meet the faculty