B.A. Classical Liberal Arts

Major Minor

Classical Liberal ArtsFeatured Courses

As a student in the classical liberal arts major at Concordia Nebraska, you’ll have the opportunity to take courses in the classical liberal arts tradition, preparing for vocations within and outside the Church. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.

LAT 101
Latin I 3 credits
An introduction to the grammar, vocabulary and syntax of Latin. Select sentences will be read.
LUKE 201
Shakespeare as a Template for Pondering our Fallen Human Condition 3 credits
Students will use the works of William Shakespeare as a prism for viewing the implications of our sinful human condition in literary depictions of individuals at their most debased moments and their most noble aspirations. Tracing the resilience of these themes across time, students will be given an opportunity to see how significant literature can reinforce the urgency of the message of the Gospel in addressing the causes and implications of shattered lives.
PHIL 311
History of Philosophical Thought I 3 credits
The course is an introduction to and a review of the development of western philosophy from the Pre-Socratics through William of Ockham, and an introduction to the process of philosophical investigation. The course treats especially the impact of the philosophical tradition on the development of Christian theology.
HIST 338
Ancient Rome 3 credits
This course examines the history of Rome from its founding through the Imperial period. Particularly, it focuses on the formation of the Roman Republic, the expansion of the Republic’s power, the Civil Wars, and finally the emergence of the Roman Empire throughout the Mediterranean World. We will analyze political, cultural, and religious events and ideas through reading ancient Roman writers’ works.
ART 271
Art History I 3 credits
A historical survey of the art and architecture of European and near Eastern cultures prior to the Renaissance; art of Islam, Oceana and the native arts of the Americas.
ENG 382
World Literature II 3 credits
A survey of significant literature primarily from the early 1600s into the mid-1800s, including the Enlightenment and Renaissance eras. The course identifies major themes addressed by representative writers of the European tradition, as well as additional world cultures. Several genres are explored.

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Classical Liberal ArtsSample Schedule of Courses

The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.

Semester 1
LAT 101
Latin I 3 cr.
General Education 12 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 2
LAT 102
Latin II 3 cr.
LUKE 201
Shakespeare as a Template for Pondering our Fallen Human Condition 3 cr.
General Education 9 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 3
GRK 101
Greek I 4 cr.
THEO 371
History of Christian Thought 3 cr.
General Education 9 cr.
16 Total Credits
Semester 4
GRK 201
Greek II 4 cr.
PHIL 311
History of Philosophical Thought I 3 cr.
HIST 335
The Renaissance and the Reformation 3 cr.
General Education 6 cr.
16 Total Credits
Semester 5
HIST 338
Ancient Rome 3 cr.
THEO 418
From Exile to Christ: A Study of the Political and Theological Development in Judaism during the Intertestamental Period 3 cr.
General Education 9 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 6
ART 271
Art History I 3 cr.
ENG 385
Psychological and Sociological Analysis of Modern Literature 3 cr.
General Education 9 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 7
HIST 334
Early and Medieval Christianity 3 cr.
ENG 381
World Literature I 3 cr.
General Education 9 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 8
LUKE 202
Jerusalem: The Holy City through Space & Time 3 cr.
HIST 491
Senior Seminar in History 3 cr.
ENG 382
World Literature II 3 cr.
General Education 6 cr.
15 Total Credits