B.A. Geography

Major Minor

Geography Featured Courses

As a student in the geography major at Concordia Nebraska, you’ ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses related to various aspects of the geography profession. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various geography careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.

GEOG 385
Global Positioning Systems and Drone Technology 3 credits
Course provides students with an introduction to the Global Positioning System (GPS). Students will learn the history of GPS, how the system operates, and how it can be used in a variety of disciplines and professions. Students conduct a variety of exercises and research projects utilizing GPS functionality and integrating it with GIS and other Internet-based mapping programs such as Google Earth. Course fee.
HIST 313
Religion and Society in the United States 3 credits
A historical analysis of the interaction between religion and society in the United States from pre-colonial to contemporary times; emphasis on themes such as Puritanism, revivalism, social reform, religious pluralism, civil religion, and on-going theological issues. Attention is given to the development of Lutheranism in the American setting.
GEOG 461
Advanced Geographic Information Systems 3 credits
A study of the functionality and application of geographic information systems technology that builds upon the skills learned in Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. Students will learn spatial model building, geodatabase management, geo-referencing, and spatial data collection and analysis.

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Geography Sample Schedule of Courses

The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.

Semester 1
GEOG 101
Introduction to Human Geography 3 cr.
First-Year Experience 1 cr.
General Education 9 cr.
13 Total Credits
Semester 2
GEOG 202
World Regional Geography 3 cr.
General Education 9 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 3
GEOG 281
Physical Geography and Geology 4 cr.
General Education 6 cr.
10 Total Credits
Semester 4
GEOG 385
Global Positioning Systems and Drone Technology 3 cr.
General Education 9 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 5
HIST 313
Religion and Society in the United States 3 cr.
General Education 6 cr.
9 Total Credits
Semester 6
General Education 9 cr.
9 Total Credits
Semester 7
GEOG 490
Capstone Seminar 3 cr.
General Education 6 cr.
9 Total Credits
Semester 8
GEOG 461
Advanced Geographic Information Systems 3 cr.
General Education 9 cr.
12 Total Credits
Photo of Joel

Geography Faculty

As experts in geography, our faculty and instructors bring years of experience to the classroom.

Meet the faculty