B.A. B.S. Physical Science

Major Minor

Physical Science Featured Courses

As a student in the physical science major at Concordia Nebraska, you’ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses related to various aspects of the physical science profession. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various physical science careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.

CHEM 116
General Chemistry II 3 credits
Lecture 3, Lab. 3. A continuation of general chemistry: chemical kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, oxidation-reduction chemistry, and fundamental qualitative analysis.
MATH 184
Calculus I 4 credits
A beginning course in the analysis of functions including analytic geometry. A study of limits, techniques and applications of differentiation, basic integration and transcendental functions.
PHYS 381
Modern Physics 3 credits
Lecture 3. Physics of the 20th century. Relativity, the wave–particle duality, atomic models, the quantum theory.
PHYS 383
Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics 3 credits
Study of nuclear radiations, nuclear structure and models, and the energetics of sub-atomic particle interactions.
SCI 331
Descriptive Astronomy 3 credits
Introductory study of what is known about the universe and how this knowledge is gained. Same as PHYS 331.

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Physical Science Sample Schedule of Courses

The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.

Semester 1
CHEM 115
General Chemistry 4 cr.
PHYS 111
General Physics I 4 cr.
First-Year Experience 1 cr.
General Education 8 cr.
17 Total Credits
Semester 2
CHEM 116
General Chemistry II 3 cr.
PHYS 112
General Physics II 4 cr.
General Education 10 cr.
17 Total Credits
Semester 3
CHEM 231
Organic Chemistry I 4 cr.
MATH 184
Calculus I 4 cr.
General Education 10 cr.
18 Total Credits
Semester 4
MATH 186
Calculus II 4 cr.
General Education 12 cr.
16 Total Credits
Semester 5
PHYS 381
Modern Physics 3 cr.
PHYS 382
Advanced Physics Lab. I, II, III 1 cr.
General Education 12 cr.
16 Total Credits
Semester 6
CHEM 313
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3 cr.
General Education 12 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 7
PHYS 383
Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics 3 cr.
General Education 12 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 8
SCI 331
Descriptive Astronomy 3 cr.
General Education 12 cr.
15 Total Credits
Photo of Kregg Photo of Robert Photo of Kristy Photo of John

Physical Science Faculty

As experts in physical science, our faculty and instructors bring years of experience to the classroom.

Meet the faculty