Deaconesses are called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through works of mercy, spiritual care and teaching the Christian faith. As a deaconess in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, you will be a professional church worker, trained to share God’s word as a missionary or in congregations or in a variety of other settings and service organizations. Deaconesses are trained, called and commissioned by the LCMS to serve Christ in the mission field, at home and around the world.
Use your God-given talents to help people where you are needed!
Program Highlights
In the pre-deaconess program at Concordia University, Nebraska, you will be prepared with a broad, liberal arts education supplemented with a base of theological and sociological courses designed to help you further your education at the seminary level. Here, you will study Scripture, learn Greek and Hebrew and be immersed in our Christ-centered environment, which doesn’t end with your theology classes but extends all throughout campus, from your classroom to your dorm to the locker room to the cafeteria.
At Concordia, we equip students to serve as the hands and feet of Christ and be His witnesses through our church work programs.
Learn more about church work preparation at Concordia
Meet Our Students
Concordia is a great place to prepare to work in the world, because it gives you a solid Christian community to come back to.
Concordia University, Nebraska is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
Degree Goals
A pre-deaconess program graduate from Concordia University, Nebraska will be able to:
- Clearly communicate God’s message through written and spoken word.
- Understand the elements of traditional and contemporary Lutheran worship.
- Effectively help others perceive, proclaim, teach and live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Career Outcomes
- Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through works of mercy, spiritual care and teaching the Christian faith
- Serve as a foreign or domestic missionary or in a congregation or institution teaching, offering spiritual comfort and spreading the Word of the Lord
- Work in underdeveloped areas or regions that don’t have strong Christian institutions in place
- Spread the Gospel of Jesus and encourage others to learn more about Christianity and to develop and deepen their faith
In the Lutheran Church, a deaconess is a Commissioned Minister of Religion and is called to follow the example of service set forth by Jesus Christ. A deaconess ministers to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of people through acts of mercy and human care. Her Christian service is guided by the Pastor’s leadership and includes constant outreach to people.
Day-to-day activities as a deaconess may include teaching Bible and Sunday School classes, organizing social groups and working with church organizations such as the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.
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Christian Education Leadership
The Christian education leadership major from Concordia University, Nebraska can help you serve Christ’s church through education as a Director of Christian Education (DCE), youth or camp ministry leader, Christian teacher or as a national or international missionary by equipping you to bring Christian values and leadership to God’s people in a church or school.

Applied Communication
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With a degree in theology from Concordia Nebraska, you will learn to think and read critically, speak clearly and persuasively, and better understand how religious convictions shape us ethically as members of the human community. Studying Christian theology helps you consider both historical and contemporary questions related to theological and religious thought to enhance your awareness of religious beliefs and practices among different cultures.
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1 Recent graduates attending graduate school or employed within six months of graduation.