

Pre-Deaconess Featured Courses

As a student in the pre-deaconess major at Concordia Nebraska, you’ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses related to various aspects of the pre-deaconess profession. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various pre-deaconess careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.

CTA 211
Public Speaking 3 credits
Students develop fundamental skills in the art of public speaking through the preparation and presentation of speeches designed for a variety of occasions, audiences, and situations. Skills of organization, delivery, and speech criticism developed.
PSY 442
Introduction to Counseling 3 credits
This introductory course is designed to assist the student to 1) reflect upon attitudes as a helping person 2) increase ability to use a problem management model 3) acquire the various skills that undergird an effort to effectively listen and respond to another person and 4) develop a personal philosophy of helping.
SOC 331
The Family 3 credits
The family as a basic social institution with special references to changing family structure and function. Special attention is given to changing social roles of family members and their impact upon other institutions such as the school and the church. Sem. I only.
THEO 450
Understanding and Teaching the Bible 3 credits
This course gives attention to the role of the Bible in faith formation, hermeneutical principles, ways of teaching the Bible, Bible study programs, small group study, resources, and ways of promoting personal, family, and congregational involvement with the Bible.
CEL 388
Youth Ministry Theory and Methods 3 credits
A course which provides students an opportunity to reflect upon an ongoing youth ministry involvement while developing parish-based youth work competencies and enriching their cognitive understanding of youth culture, varying models of youth ministry, current synodical resources, and the theology that underlies this activity.

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Pre-Deaconess Sample Schedule of Courses

The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.

Pre-Deaconess Courses
CTA 211
Public Speaking 3 cr.
CTA 309
Small Group Theory for Teams and Leadership 3 cr.
PSY 442
Introduction to Counseling 3 cr.
SOC 331
The Family 3 cr.
THEO 251
Interpretation of Selected Pauline Epistles 3 cr.
THEO 361
Christian Doctrine I 3 cr.
THEO 362
Christian Doctrine II 3 cr.
THEO 450
Understanding and Teaching the Bible 3 cr.
CEL 388
Youth Ministry Theory and Methods 3 cr.
GRK 101
Greek I 4 cr.
HEB 101
Biblical Hebrew I 4 cr.
HIST 313
Religion and Society in the United States 3 cr.
PHIL 311
History of Philosophical Thought I 3 cr.
SOC 221
Social Problems 3 cr.
SOC 335
Sociology of Religion 3 cr.
THEO 381
Christian Teacher’s Ministry 2 cr.
49 Total Credits

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