Pre-Occupational Therapy
Pre-Occupational Therapy Featured Courses
As a student in the pre-occupational therapy major at Concordia Nebraska, you’ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses related to various aspects of the pre-occupational therapy profession. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various pre-occupational therapy careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.
BIO 207
Human Genetics: Applications and Issues 3 credits
A study of the basic principles of human genetics, their applications in society, and the issues that arise from these applications.
BIO 371
The Biology of the Brain 3 credits
A study of the structure and function of the brain, neurotransmitter systems, their interactions, and implications for brain function. Neurodegenerative disorders are discussed as examples throughout the course.
CHEM 231
Organic Chemistry I 4 credits
Lecture 3, Lab. 3. The compounds of the aliphatic and aromatic series, stressing general principles. The basic understandings in this area, an appreciation of the relation of organic chemistry to daily life.
CTA 200
Forensics 3 credits
An overview of competitive speech events, argumentation, debate and practice. Students are required to prepare for competitive speaking and will study issues related to practice, coaching, research, budgeting and tournament administration and practice.
ECON 102
Principles of Microeconomics 3 credits
Examination of the behavior of microeconomic units such as consumers, firms and industries. Includes analysis of the problems of monopoly, urbanization, income inequality and poverty. International economics and the world economy are discussed.
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Pre-Occupational Therapy Sample Schedule of Courses
The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.
Pre-Occupational Therapy Courses
BIO 207
Human Genetics: Applications and Issues 3 cr.
BIO 243
Elements of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 cr.
BIO 343
Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 cr.
BIO 371
The Biology of the Brain 3 cr.
CHEM 231
Organic Chemistry I 4 cr.
ENG 328
Creative Nonfiction Writing 3 cr.
ECTA 250
Intermediate Topics in English, Communication and Theatre (Topic by Announcement) 3 cr.
CTA 200
Forensics 3 cr.
ECON 101
Principles of Macroeconomics 3 cr.
ECON 102
Principles of Microeconomics 3 cr.
MATH 122
Introduction to Statistics 3 cr.
SPAN 101
Beginning Spanish I 3 cr.
MU 103
Music Theory I 3 cr.
PSY 101
Introduction to Psychology 3 cr.
PSY 290
Health Psychology 3 cr.
SOC 101
Introduction to Sociology 3 cr.
SOC 221
Social Problems 3 cr.
THEO 210
Faith and Life 3 cr.
THEO 361
Christian Doctrine I 3 cr.
60 Total Credits