
TESOL Featured Courses

As a student in the TESOL major at Concordia Nebraska, you’ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses related to various aspects of the TESOL profession. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various TESOL careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.

CHNS 101
Beginning Mandarin I 3 credits
The purpose of this beginner’s course is to train the student to function successfully in Chinese culture using Mandarin as a language through the development of communication skills that cross ethnic and cultural boundaries and an understanding of Chinese interpersonal behavior and related thought. This course focuses on basic speaking and listening skills, vocabulary, and grammar; it requires the student to demonstrate a level of cultural understanding suitable for correct performance of assigned tasks in Chinese.
SOC 201
Cultural Anthropology 3 credits
A survey of cultural anthropology with emphasis on culture, cultural diversity, social structure, social system components, language and communication, socio- linguistics, social control, and cultural change.
CTA 333
Intercultural Communication 3 credits
The study of cultural practices that influence the exchange of meaning between individuals and groups of differing cultural/racial backgrounds. The course is designed to provide students with a theoretical and practical understanding of the uniqueness of cultures, the resulting variations in communication styles and preferences, and to provide strategies and skills for successful communication across cultures.
EDUC 420
Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Methods 3 credits
Second language learning processes and development, standards, curriculum, instruction, and assessment for diverse classrooms Planning instruction to support all students and meet rigorous learning goals, cross- disciplinary skills, technological tools, formative and summative assessment data, and collaboration. Examination of teaching models involving conversation, reading, and writing of a modern language. Field Experience required.

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TESOL Sample Schedule of Courses

The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.

Semester 1
EDUC 201
Introduction to Education 3 cr.
Language Course 3 cr.
6 Total Credits
Semester 2
EDPS 210
Educational Psychology and Child Development 3 cr.
Language Course 3 cr.
6 Total Credits
Semester 3
EDUC 326
Language and Culture 3 cr.
SOC 201
Cultural Anthropology 3 cr.
6 Total Credits
Semester 4
EDUC 225
Diverse Classrooms and Human Relations 3 cr.
3 Total Credits
Semester 5
EDUC 420
Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Methods 3 cr.
3 Total Credits
Semester 6
EDUC 323
Linguistics for Educators 3 cr.
EDUC 346
Instructional Technology 2 cr.
5 Total Credits
Semester 7
EDUC 398
ESL Practicum 3 cr.
EDUC 425
ESL Instruction, Curriculum, and Assessment 3 cr.
6 Total Credits
Semester 8
EDUC 490
ESL Capstone Experience 3 cr.
3 Total Credits
Photo of Vicki

TESOL Faculty

As experts in TESOL, our faculty and instructors bring years of experience to the classroom.

Meet the faculty