B.A. Theatre
Major Minor
Theatre Featured Courses
As a student in the theatre major at Concordia Nebraska, you’ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses related to various aspects of the theatre profession. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various theatre careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.
CTA 153
Theatre History 3 credits
A survey class that begins with ritual drama and selective Egyptian, Greek and Roman developments of dramatic form. It will include Medieval and Renaissance drama, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism and other twentieth century genres and styles as they occur in Western Europe and the United States. Contributions of selected Asian and African theatre forms and Native American dance drama will be also introduced.
CTA 241
Media Literacy 3 credits
Studies in print and electronic media, particularly how to discern the credibility and influence of information that affects the individual and society. Research projects and student media presentations enable the student to explore and experience techniques of mass media and assess their impact.
CTA 233
Stage Scenery, Lighting and Sound 4 credits
This class offers organized study of basic stage scenery design principles and set construction techniques. Students learn the basics of stage lighting design theory and the safe placement and circuiting of stage lighting. Students also study basic principles of sound amplification in a theatre setting and copyright laws concerning sound design. Students in these classes may assist with the current production(s) as class projects, but the course content is consistent from semester to semester.
CTA 211
Public Speaking 3 credits
Students develop fundamental skills in the art of public speaking through the preparation and presentation of speeches designed for a variety of occasions, audiences, and situations. Skills of organization, delivery, and speech criticism developed.
CTA 400
Communication Research 3 credits
An overview of the methodological approaches to communication research. Students will conduct and present and original research project. Topics include: types of research questions, approaches, philosophy of knowledge, and structure of research. Required for all communication majors.
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Theatre Sample Schedule of Courses
The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.
Semester 1
General Education 12 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 2
General Education 12 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 3
CTA 153
Theatre History 3 cr.
CTA 241
Media Literacy 3 cr.
General Education 6 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 4
CTA 153
Theatre History 3 cr.
CTA 241
Media Literacy 3 cr.
General Education 6 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 5
CTA 302
Rhetorical Theory 3 cr.
CTA 233
Stage Scenery, Lighting and Sound 4 cr.
General Education 5 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 6
CTA 152
Basic Acting Technique 3 cr.
CTA 211
Public Speaking 3 cr.
General Education 6 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 7
CTA 232
Costume and Makeup Design 2 cr.
CTA 400
Communication Research 3 cr.
CTA 300
Placement Seminar 1 cr.
General Education 6 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 8
CTA 373
Play Production 3 cr.
ECTA 499
Capstone: Special Topics in the Study of Language 3 cr.
General Education 8 cr.
14 Total Credits

Theatre Faculty
As experts in theatre, our faculty and instructors bring years of experience to the classroom.