B.A. Theology

Major Minor

Theology is the study of God. Christian theology studies the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, through His self-revelation in His creation and in His Word, the Bible. A Lutheran Christian pursuit of theology places its primary focus on God’s work of salvation through the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ to reclaim humanity from sin’s deadly snare. 

Christian theology also examines the human experience of faith, expressed both personally and corporately in the church and in the world. Christian theologians examine different religions and understandings of the meaning of life. Theology involves not only the study of the nature of God and humanity, but also history, art, culture, philosophy, the environment, biblical languages and more. 

The theology program at Concordia University, Nebraska can help you understand the Christian faith in a profound manner so that, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, you might translate it into a way of life that richly expresses God’s gracious love in Christ Jesus for all his creation. 

Theology Courses

120 credit hours
100% career outcome rate1
21.0 average class size2
14:1 Student-to-faculty ratio

Enrich your life with God, enhance your service to the church and discover a deeper faith. 

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Program Highlights


The theology program at Concordia University, Nebraska exists to educate students to communicate the Gospel effectively, serve the church faithfully and minister with integrity at home and abroad. Solid and critical grounding in the Lutheran Christian academic tradition engages students in dialogue with other disciplines across the university for understanding and commitment to the scholarship, exploration and promotion of our Christian faith. 

Theology classes at Concordia welcome students from all religious backgrounds to engage the teachings of the Bible as the inspired Word of God. As part of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the faculty members of Concordia’s Department of Theology, Philosophy, and Biblical Languages teach the Christian faith according to the standard of the Lutheran Confessions. 


As experts theology, our faculty and instructors bring years of experience to the classroom. 

Meet the faculty

Meet our students

Caleb Jalas
Caleb Jalas
Deshler, Neb.

At Concordia, you can unapologetically go into a Christian profession. There is a great community of people interested in the same thing as you, that is unsurpassed by any public institution.


Concordia University, Nebraska is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. 

Degree Goals

A theology graduate from Concordia University, Nebraska will be able to:  

  • Communicate clearly and effectively in theological research papers and oral presentations. 
  • Think critically about historical and intellectual contexts and arguments regarding theological issues. 
  • Integrate broad and diverse learning within theology. 
  • Apply a reasoned approach to effective decision-making, according to sound and coherent ethical principles. 
  • Understand the Lutheran, Christian theological tradition in the context of historical, cultural and spiritual concerns. 

Theology, Philosophy and Biblical Languages Minors

  • Biblical Languages  
  • Classical Liberal Arts  
  • Philosophy  
  • Religious Education  
  • Theology  
  • Urban Ministry  
  • Youth Ministry 

Career Outcomes


  • Serve the church by providing a balanced ministry of preaching, pastoral care and organizational leadership to the congregation 
  • Care for the spiritual growth of your congregation 

Youth Ministries Director 

  • Plan and oversee programs and activities for children and adolescents at a church, community outreach or social service program 
  • Help your congregation or community flourish by providing supplemental education programs, alternative after-school activities and mission trips 

Theology and Religious Studies Professor 

  • Teach the fundamentals of theology and religion 
  • Help your students discover and explore the basic fundamentals of religious and theological thought and delve deeper into the study of theology 


Related Programs


Christian Education Leadership

The Christian education leadership major from Concordia University, Nebraska can help you serve Christ’s church through education as a Director of Christian Education (DCE), youth or camp ministry leader, Christian teacher or as a national or international missionary by equipping you to bring Christian values and leadership to God’s people in a church or school.

Discover the Christian Education Leadership Program


Secondary Education

With a degree in secondary education from Concordia University, Nebraska, you will be equipped to teach grades 7-12, encouraging intellectual and emotional growth at a critical time in the lives of your students. You’ll engage in rich coursework, collaborate with faculty and gain invaluable experience first shadowing a professional teacher and then teaching in your own high school classroom.

Discover the Secondary Education Program



Concordia University, Nebraska’s pre-seminary program will prepare you for admission to a theological seminary, so you can become a member of the ordained pastoral ministry. Designed to coordinate specifically with the Master of Divinity program of both seminaries of the LCMS, Concordia’s pre-seminary program is rooted in the liberal arts tradition and includes an emphasis in the biblical languages of Greek and Hebrew, along with a background in philosophy and the humanities.

Discover the Pre-Seminary Program

1 Recent graduates attending graduate school or employed within six months of graduation.

2Average Class Size for Representative Subject Most Aligned with Major, Over Last 5 Years.