Dead Week Reflections

Published by Katelyn 3 years ago on Thu, Dec 16, 2021 2:16 PM

Hey guys, it’s me and it’s Dead Week. Have you heard of Dead Week? If you haven’t, basically Dead Week is the week preceding the week of finals. This is the week where no one sleeps, everyone is drinking something with caffeine in it and the world just does not feel real anymore. After 14 weeks of procrastinating, you finally sit down and crank out each of the projects you have been meaning to work on all semester. Some projects include papers (LOTS AND LOTS OF PAPERS), posters, videos, speeches, and much more My dead week projects include a 6+ minute video project for Diverse Classrooms, making a 300+ card Quizlet for General Biology final, finishing my website for Instruction Technology, and finishing my last discussion post for History & Lit of the New Testament. I don’t have it as bad as some other people, but it has taken over my days. I have had to call work and tell them I could not make it due to the stress of studying. Thankfully, they let me. They’re the most understanding people in the world and they want me to do well.  

The one final exam I am most stressed about is General Biology 1. This is because it is my only cumulative final, which means an exam over everything we have learned in the past 15 weeks. Scary, right? Well, I have consumed way too much caffeine, have not eaten enough food and my eyes are so dry from staring at my computer. This is dead week everyone. Not a fun time. 

The only good thing that comes out of this week is how close we are to winter break, a time we get to spend seeing family and friends and finally relax after being on the go for the past 15 weeks. You may be thinking, “Katelyn you just had Thanksgiving break, isn’t that also a time to relax?” The simple answer is, NO. Even though this is a week-long break, you will spend most of your time doing homework that professors want to assign you. Over Thanksgiving break, I wrote 2 papers, 5 daily journal entries, and 3 worksheets for biology. Winter break is truly a break because there is nothing on our schedules from school. There are no classes over this time and hopefully no homework either. This is truly the time to simply unplug and take a break from  the busyness of school. This is the time you can kick back and relax, put on some thick wooly socks and throw on a Christmas movie to watch. Cook up some popcorn and get ready for the 24 days of break.  

We got this guys! We are so close you can almost taste the good grades about to come our way. I am praying for each and every one of you to ace your finals and have an amazing winter break!