How to Spend Your Weekend as a Concordia Student

Published by Hope 9 months ago on Sat, Sep 23, 2023 9:22 AM

Well, it’s finally that time of the week again. 3:30 on a Friday, and your last class just ended. Now there’s nothing standing between you and over two days (or fifty-six and a half hours, if you’re counting those) of freedom. The only question is: what do I even do with the next fifty-six and a half hours of my life at Concordia University, Nebraska?  

Well, friends, that is a very good question. But never fear; this post is here to inform you about what you need to do to make the most of those blissful fifty-six and a half hours.  

First up: homework! Okay, I’m just kidding. Who’s doing homework on a Friday night? Unless you really want to get your work out of the way, you’re probably not cracking open the books at 7 p.m. on a Friday. In that case... 

Watch a movie! 

Although my friends and I love to watch movies on Friday nights, it’s certainly not unique to us. College students seem to love movies (case in point: the hype around Ratatouille all the way back in the first week of school), so whether you live on- or off-campus, gather up some of your friends, turn on the TV, and relax for a few hours. Whether your choice is a dramatic love film, a thriller, or even an animated kids’ movie, the first night of the weekend is best spent on the couch with some snacks, friends, and blankets.   

Okay, actually do some homework now 

I’ll give you permission to do homework on Saturday morning, I guess. It’s probably good to take a little time to study for that upcoming biology test, or to crank out a few pages of a paper for your theology class. Whatever it is you’re doing, though, it doesn’t have to be boring! Sometimes, I find that I’m more productive, especially on weekends, when I go downtown and bring some work to Neutral Grounds or Bagels and Joe. If the weather is tolerable, you could even bring your books and papers outside!  

Spend some time off-campus 

If you spent all of Saturday morning on homework, congratulations! You might be starting to feel a little stir-crazy, however, especially if you’ve been in your dorm room the whole time. In this case, it might be time to get off campus if you haven’t already. One of my favorite activities is the “weekend Walmart trip.” Whether it’s Saturday or Sunday, Walmart is bound to be open, even when a lot of other places aren’t -- hence the necessity of this trip. The big question is: do you need to buy anything on this trip? No! Just going to Walmart is fun, but if you do want to buy yourself a little treat, I’m certainly not stopping you.  

If you’re ambitious, you might want to visit Lincoln over the weekend. Even though Lincoln is a big, scary city, they do have some fun stuff for college students – I've heard they have to entertain a lot of them there, for some reason.  

Go to church 

It’s important to spend time in God’s word and in fellowship with other believers during a time when classes are on pause and you have a few days to rest and recover. In my opinion, worship is the perfect way to do this. Fortunately, at Concordia, St. John Lutheran Church is right across the street – meaning you don’t have to walk too far to go to church when the roads are covered in ice! Plus, being out of the dorm to go to church is always a good excuse to pay a post-church visit to one of your favorite Seward coffee shops! 


Sleep is important. You should do it. Plus, it’s always nice to put away everything that happened during the day and let yourself drift into a peaceful rest where you can dream about frolicking through the clouds with unicorns and puppies. Or showing up to your 8 a.m. in your underwear. Okay, okay, I don’t know how weird your dreams are, but you get the point.  

Maybe doing all of this took you fifty-six and a half hours. Maybe it didn’t. But either way, the weekend is over now. Hopefully, though, you feel refreshed and ready to start another week – and if you don’t, well, that’s okay. Monday mornings are sometimes the worst. At least you know, however, that at the end of this week waits another Concordia weekend to satisfy your need for rest and recuperation!