Some Helpful...And Not So Helpful College Purchases

Published by Brooke 3 years ago on Fri, Apr 9, 2021 3:17 PM

Hello readers!  

I am about ¾ through my freshman year of college and boy, have I learned things. While this is true, to refrain from being preachy, allow me to tell you about something I have not learned, and that is: how to budget.  

It all began when I got a job in October of this year. I started getting a consistent paycheck and had no immediate, pressing things I had to pay for, so I bought a lot of things I probably did not need. 

It’s a lot like when you submit a really poorly written paper, and you haven’t gotten the grade back yet, or when you eat Taco Bell, and it hasn’t worked its way through your system. I am experiencing the benefits of my work, but not yet the consequences of the poor money choices I have made in this season. 

Despite the fact that I have not yet realized the consequences of my actions, I have bought things, and some of them have been helpful, so here is an itemized list of the things I have purchased, as well as some alternate uses for them.  

DISCLAIMER: This is very much not advice. This is just information. Do with it what you will.  

Helpful Goods

Noise cancelling earbuds/headphones- I do recommend using if you’re studying in a crowded location. I do not recommend if you find yourself in a dangerous alley. 

Pepper spray-I do not recommend using in a crowded location. I do recommend using if you find yourself in a dangerous alley.  

Clothes steamer- Good for smoothing out your wrinkly clothes or if you want to do a little spa session or creating a really cool visual effect if you regularly enjoy making epic entrances.  

A tiny water bottle - Originally, I had a giant water bottle, but it did not fit in my backpack, so I just had to buy a tiny one.  This means you can have water, and then go for frequent walks during class or studying, because, while cute, the tiny water bottle does not store much water! 

Keurig – helpful for making coffee or lazy making ramen. Or for bothering your roommate when you *need* to make coffee early in the morning and your Keurig also *needs* to scream as it’s producing the coffee.  

Thermos- handy for when you need to carry around the coffee you have just made. And remember: do not limit yourself to just hot beverages. I know that some people also put ramen in there sometimes, which could be a fun twist when people ask for a sip of your coffee and it’s really not coffee.  

A fridge – useful, but also it enables my woodland creature-esque food storing habits, which I am confronted with when I am finished with a meal and it occurs to me: “Brooke. What if you want a snack later, and then you don’t have a snack?” Horrible visions of pain and hunger drive me towards the food line to grab whatever I believe will sustain me. When I return to my room, I either immediately eat the food, or put it in the fridge and forget about it. Neither of them accomplishes my intended purpose of grabbing a snack, but I choose to believe that someday, I will eat the snacks that I put in my fridge.  

A journal- In life, things tend to happen. Sometimes, it’s helpful to write them down. 

Unnecessary Goods

A rug – Perfect for if you would like to have a meltdown on a slightly softer surface than your floor.  

Books- I do not have too much time to read, but I always think I will, and buying books gives me something to look forward to. Additionally, I have told several people, “I should stop buying books” to which they have all replied, “You will never stop buying books.” I now own more books.  

Laptop stickers-If you’re into telling people the vaguer aspects of your personality without ever having to speak to them, please consider purchasing laptop stickers. My personal favorite on my laptop is a picture of Dwight from The Office holding bobblehead Dwight. There’s a lot of mystery to that one. Like it could just mean I like The Office, or it could be that I’m trying to make a sort of meta statement about bobbleheads, or it could mean that I greatly admire Rainn Wilson or I greatly admire bobblehead Dwight. The possibilities are virtually endless.  

Chocolate- small chocolates! A nice little pick me up when I’m studying and I feel that I deserve to be rewarded, which is almost never the case.  Additionally, it has been beneficial when friends come over, because I can offer them snacks, which makes me feel very adult.  

This list is not exhaustive; however, it does include many of the more important things I’ve purchased (or the things I felt I could explain semi-succinctly). I’ll have to check back with you in a few years, maybe I’ll be better at using my fridge then. Until then, I’ll probably keep buying a lot of books and snacks, and booking and snacking my way into oblivion. See ya later!