What is Student Senate?

Published by Owen 3 years ago on Fri, Jan 7, 2022 4:55 PM

Just about every college has some form of student government, and Concordia is no exception.  However, many students at Concordia have very little idea what our Student Senate does, and I think it would be good for you to know what the senate is around for.   

Student Senate is a group of students that comes together weekly to discuss ideas for our campus and community.  After the general business meeting, every other week we will divide up into our committees that have their specific roles (community service, public relations, etc.), to create and develop ideas to benefit Concordia.  A regular responsibility of the Senate is to create yearly budgets based on the needs of Concordia’s official clubs. This budget is created at the end of each year by a budget committee headed up by the treasurer and is crucial for the continuation of many of Concordia’s clubs.  

In a typical year, the Senate also adopts a project it wants to work on based on popular support or need. Two years ago, the pavilion by the hammock village was put up by the Student Senate, and this year we are excited to renovate the outdoor chapel behind David Hall!  Student input is being seriously considered by the administration and Student Senate, and the project is beginning to take shape.  Such projects are a great way for students to get involved. Our constitution allows for a senator from each floor of a residence hall as well as one from each officially recognized club.  So, if your hall or club is not currently represented and you find the idea of helping your community through the Student Senate interesting, then come on over to the Dunklau Lecture Hall on Tuesdays at 6:15pm.  We’d love to have you!