What you actually need for college at Concordia

Published by Rileigh 9 months ago on Fri, Sep 1, 2023 10:58 AM

One thing about me is I am a planner through and through. So in preparation for my freshman year, I read every article and blog written on what I needed in my dorm. I looked tirelessly on Pinterest for organizational ideas. I looked on the Concordia website to try and figure out what I could fit in my room. I was desperate to figure out what I needed so I could plan for the year. While I did gain a good amount of knowledge, it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. I wanted someone from Concordia to tell me what I really needed. Well, here we are. Someone from Concordia to help all those freshmen out there who are just like me and want to plan for their freshman dorm. I have compiled a list of things that I think are useful not only for all freshmen but also for Concordia freshmen.

Number one is some kind of small wallet to keep your student ID, driver’s license, some cash, a credit or debit card, and your 10:31 punch card in. You want something small enough that it can fit in your pocket comfortably. For everyday use, you really only need those things, so there is no need to have a bulky wallet that has every card you own. It should also be accessible so you can easily get your student ID out because you use that for everything. And you are going to want to have that 10:31 punch card on you at all times so you can get that $3 off your drink.

Number two is quarters. This is for laundry. Now there is an app that connects to the washers and dryers, but I find that a little bothersome. You can only add so much money onto the app at once, even if you only need one or two loads and don’t necessarily have ten dollars to put on the app. Not only that but sometimes the app doesn’t connect to the washer or dryer. Then, you have a load of laundry in the washer and no way to pay for it. That is just an awkward place to be in. You can’t take it out because you already put the detergent in and it’s all over the clothes, so where would you put it? But, if you have a large stash of quarters you never have a problem. Now I know you could say, “Why don’t you just pay before you put the laundry in and you wouldn’t have a problem”. And to that, I say you’re right, but I am just not that put together. And it still wouldn’t solve the problem of the app not connecting.

Number three is a good coat. And I mean a good coat. A nice warm winter coat. When October and November hit, it’s gonna be quite cold. Especially if you are from somewhere warm like California or Texas you are really going to want to make sure you have a warm coat. What will really get you is the wind. When that wind blows, it is cold. Really cold. It doesn’t even have to be snowing and it will be frigid. But also when it does snow you’re also going to want to make sure that you have that nice warm coat. Along with a good coat you might also want to get some nice gloves and a warm hat. You really just want to be ready to be as warm a possible.

Number four is a key chain. I can’t tell you the number of times my keys go missing or I leave them in my room. They are small and easily forgettable but they are a very important thing to have on you. They get you into your room, your hall, and get you your mail. So if you lose them you’re kinda in a tough spot. That’s why there are keychains. Personally, I use just a little wrist strap. Guys especially use the regular long ones. But it will really depend on what is best for you. Just make sure you have one so you don’t lose your keys.

Number five is shoe ice grips. These are the things that slip onto the bottom of your shoes and have spikes that dig into the ice so you don’t slip. The ice here can get pretty bad. It’s the kind of bad that turns all the sidewalks and parking lots into ice rinks. So to get to class you slowly inch across hoping and praying that you don’t fall. Not only because it’s a little embarrassing, but also because it hurts. I got quite the bruise from my slip this year. A pair of ice grips will allow you to get to and from class with ease, not having to worry about falling for all campus to see.

Preparing for college is a lot of work and can be kind of daunting. This list is just some of the things that you’ll need for college, and specifically what I think is going to be helpful to have for college here at Concordia Nebraska. College is a great time of your life, so really in the end if you want to bring something then bring it. Rather bring something and not use it than not bring it and regret it. For me that was my books. I really didnt need to bring all of my books, but don’t tell my mom that. So mom if youre reading this, I definitely read and used all the books I brought with me.