Meet the President

Dr. Bernard Bull began his tenure as Concordia University, Nebraska’s 11th president in August 2021. Bull is actively involved in the higher education landscape regarding educational innovation, futures in education, nurturing learner agency and ownership and the intersection of education and digital culture. 

President Bernard Bull sitting on the steps of Founders
"People of Christian conviction, character, competence and compassion are an immense blessing to the world. Concordia exists to nurture such people, devoted servant leaders in their families, churches, communities, workplaces and the world." 
Dr. Bernard Bull

Dr. Bernard Bull earned a bachelor’s in education, theology and history from CUW in 1994, before earning a master’s in curriculum and instruction from Concordia University Chicago in 1997, a Master of Liberal Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2005 and a Doctor of Education in instructional technology from Northern Illinois University in 2007.   

Prior to becoming Concordia Nebraska’s president, Bull served as the president of Goddard College from 2018 to 2021. Bull served Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW) from 2006 to 2018 in a variety of roles including vice provost for curriculum and academic innovation, chief innovation officer, assistant vice president of academics and associate professor of education. Before that, he served in Lutheran middle and high schools in Illinois and Wisconsin.  

Bull is a regularly featured presenter at national education conferences and has authored and edited several books and publications, many of which are used by Concordia instructors. 

Bernard and Joyanna, his wife, have two children, Bethany and Nathaniel. In her past career, Dr. Joyanna Bull was an adjunct instructor at CUW and a K-12 teacher in Lutheran and public schools.  

Past Presidents

J. George Weller, 1894-1914 
F.W.C. Jesse, 1914-1923 
C.F. Brommer, 1924-1941 
A.O. Fuerbringer, 1941-1953 
Paul A. Zimmerman, 1954-1961 
Mark A. Schmidt, Interim, 1962-1963 
W. Theophil Janzow, 1963-1977 
Michael J. Stelmachowicz, 1978-1984 
Ralph L. Reinke, 1986-1990 
Orville Walz, 1990-2004 
Brian Friedrich, 2004-2019 
Russ Sommerfeld, Interim, 2019-2021 
Bernard Bull, 2021-Present 

Background image for directory listing

Dr. Bernard Bull


President's Office
Weller Hall 104