Student Employment

There are jobs available on campus in many different departments that will help you hone your professional skills while earning some extra money. Find a job below that you're interested in and start your application process.

Student Employment Application

 A student handing out coffee at 10:31 Coffee House

Jobs On Campus

Position: Reporters

Hours: Varied and Flexible (We'll work with your schedule)

Wage: $13.50/hr

Start Date: Immediately

Who Can Apply: Anyone who likes to write, has an interest in journalism or is curious about current events and issues and what's going on around campus.

Description: Report on and write about News/Sports events, features, columns from Campus and the community for The Sower and

Contact: Ellen Beck, Sower Adviser, at or 703-434-0355


POSITION: Admission Office Diplomat

Hours: 4-8 hours per week, you will be scheduled daily per your availability between classes and commitments.

Wage:  $13.50/hr                                                                                                    

Description: This position is the welcoming face for students and families interested in CUNE. This position involves working with prospective students and their families. Some of the duties are escorting them around campus during their visit, giving a family or multiple families campus tours, and occasionally eating lunch with visitors in the cafeteria. This position also includes a variety of office work, office projects and occasionally answering general admission questions. This position is also required to assist with group visit days.

Contact: Email or stop by the Admissions Office in Weller 101 for an application.



Department: Athletics

Position: Weight Room Supervisor

Hours: Part Time, 6 hours per week

Wage: $13.50/Hr

Description:  The student employee will help monitor and maintain daily functions of the Walz weight room. This position will help students gain experience in the operations of a collegiate athletic facility. 

Contact:, or at 402-643-7191


Department: Chartwells Higher Ed

Position: Hospitality and Culinary Positions

*Employment is not with Concordia Nebraska, but with our food service vendor Chartwells. 

Average Hours/week: Full time and part time positions are available with day, evening and weekend hours available

Pay:  Starting at $13.50/hr.

Description: Chartwells Higher Ed, an international leader in food service, is hiring for multiple positions on Concordia University's Seward Campus, great positions for students!

Skills/Qualifications: Will train.

Apply See specific positions and apply 

Contact: Jill Baack at 402-643-7351 or



POSITION: PA Announcer for Concordia Softball

Office: Athletics

Hours: 2 Hours per game.  Most events are doubleheaders (2 games).

Wage: $13.50 per hour

Start Date: Regular Season: March 29th through May 3rd.  Possible GPAC Tournament: May 1-4.  Possible NAIA Tournament: TBD

Who Can Apply: CUNE Students

Description:  The PA Announcer for Softball sits in the press box during games, announces team lineups and next batters, and plays general music and walk-up music for Concordia Softball games.

Contact: Ben Boldt at for more information


For more information or if you have questions, please contact:

Photo of Rachel

Rachel Schroeder

Human Resources Generalist

Human Resources
Weller Hall 106

Student Employment Procedure

In an effort to accelerate the onboarding process of student employees, all forms are available on Concordia's portal.

Follow the instructions available on the portal to start the process.

New student employees will need to bring the necessary identification documents and completed forms to the Human Resources office located at Weller Hall 106.

The required forms and paperwork must be completed prior to work. F-1 visa international students have additional steps to take before employment - they should contact campus PDSO Julie Johnston Hermann or the HR office for further information.

Required New-hire Forms

W-4: Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate required by the IRS.

Due to federal regulations CUNE staff are not authorized to aid students in completing this form. Students may use outside resources such as parents, guardians or a CPA to aid in the process of completing the W-4.  

W-4N: Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate required by the state of Nebraska. 

Due to federal regulations CUNE staff are not authorized to aid students in completing this form. Students may use outside resources such as parents, guardians or a CPA to aid in the process of completing the W-4N.  

I-9: Employment Eligibility form required by the Department of Homeland Security: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

You must bring identification listed on the acceptable documents page with you to the HR office. 

Be sure to read carefully what documents are needed to bring with you to show you are authorized to work in the US:

  • an identification document from List A or
  • a combination of documents from List B and List C

Only original documents will be accepted. No copies.

Direct deposit form: All employees are required to complete this form so they can receive their pay via direct deposit.

A blank check with VOID written on it, or direct deposit verification from your banking institute is also necessary

Student Employee Handbook: The handbook is provided electronically. An HR representative will review key areas when the final steps of the paperwork process is completed. The most up to date handbook is available on Concordia's portal for reference. For more assistance contact

POSITION: Scoreboard Operator for Concordia Softball

Office: Athletics

Hours: 2 Hours per game.  Most events are doubleheaders (2 games).

Wage: $13.50 per hour

Start Date: Regular Season: March 29th- May 3rd.  Possible GPAC Tournament: May 1-4.  Possible NAIA Tournament: TBD

Who Can Apply: CUNE Students

Description:  The scoreboard operator for Softball sits in the press box during games and keeps track of balls and strikes, runs, and errors on the scoreboard for Concordia Softball games.

Contact: Ben Boldt at for more information.



Position: Buildings and Grounds

Hours: 10-20 per week; flexible schedules

Wage: $13.50/hr

Description: Custodial and Grounds Support available and other duties as assigned.

Contact: Patrick Bennett at 402-643-7421 or . You can also stop by Buildings and Grounds with any questions.



Position: Residence Hall Coordinator (RC) – For 2025-26 Academic Year

Hours: Live-in Job; About 10-15 hours a week in addition to on-call hours; additional hours during training, around breaks, and at the end of school year

Compensation: On-campus apartment provided plus an annual stipend (distributed bi-weekly) and 85 meals a semester in the dining hall

Dates: Contract runs August 1, 2025-about May 15, 2026; Also require some involvement in the RA selection process February-April 2025.

Who can apply: Any undergraduate or graduate student at Concordia or part-time staff members

Description:  The purpose of this position is to engage in peer ministry and residence hall staff leadership by facilitating Christian community, promoting student engagement, and enhancing the Concordia experience for residential students. The RC’s primary role involves assisting the student life office with selection, training, ongoing support, supervision, and evaluation of a group of Resident Assistants (RAs). The secondary aspect of the RC role includes providing direct assistants to the residents in the assigned residence hall complex and with the function of the residence hall buildings. A detailed job description is provided with the application materials.

Applications: Contact for application and information. Application period open from January 14-24, 2025.


Position: Resident Assistant (RA) – For 2025-26 Academic Year

Hours: About 5-10 hours a week, plus more around breaks and beginning/end of school year and on-duty hours as assigned

Compensation: Resident Assistance receive a waiver that covers the cost of their housing  

Dates: Contract runs August 13, 2025 through May 10, 2026

Description:  The purpose of this position is to engage in peer ministry by facilitating Christian community, promoting student engagement, and enhancing the Concordia experience for residential students. Resident assistants are responsible for matters directly related to a floor's residents and environment as we work to carry out the mission and vision of the University and the SLO team purpose. RAs support, encourage, nurture, and provide opportunities for connection and growth for a group of students in a residence hall as well as tasks related to the building safety, security, and upkeep.

How to Apply: Attend one of the RA Informational Meetings on January 26 or 29 or contact after those dates.

Applications will be available starting January 30, 2025. Applications are due by noon February 11.