Elevate Your Faith

There are numerous opportunities for you to elevate your faith during your time on campus. From daily chapel services, to evening prayer services, weekly musical worship and special events, you'll be among like-minded people who are also looking to grow.

In addition to Lutheran services on campus, the Seward area has over 18 Christian churches serving more than the 15 Christian denominations represented by our Concordia community.


A Chapel service in Weller

Daily Chapel

Every weekday during classes at 11 a.m., more than 300 students and campus community members gather to sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in chapel. Unique and inspiring messages will challenge you to gain a deeper understanding of the inexhaustible love of God.

1,000voluntary chapel attendees weekly
5traditional worship opportunities weekly
3contemporary worship opportunities weekly

Evening Prayer

On Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 9 p.m., a faithful group of students gather for worship in one of the time-honored liturgies of the church. The various settings of Evening Prayer provide a rich form for you to praise and pray.


Pastor Matthias praying with a group of students
Student band leading PRAISE! on Wednesday nights.


The sounds emanating from Weller Chapel on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. have a contemporary bend to them. The guitars, drums, shakers and tambourines may not be the same ones that Israel’s King David used several thousand years ago, but certainly the joy and honor of God is the same.

CUNE Praise

Bible Studies

A variety of opportunities to study God's Word together are offered for students throughout each semester including student-led small groups and Bible studies led by professors and local pastors in the area. A campus-wide Bible study, The Attic, is offered every Sunday night on campus taught by Pastor Matthias and other campus ministry staff.

Students participating in the campus wide Bible study, The Attic.
Students roasting marshmallows and signing songs around a campfire

Special Events

One characteristic making our campus exceptional is the practice of celebrating special events with informal worship services. There will be times our outdoor chapel is the setting for worship, or our students will gather at the football stadium and there will be times where the Janzow Campus Center is transformed into a worship setting to celebrate Spring Weekend, Homecoming or other special events.

Background image for directory listing

Rev. Ryan Matthias

T-L Irrigation, LeRoy and Jean Thom Chaplain; Theology Instructor

Student Affairs; Department of Theology, Philosophy and Biblical Languages
Janzow Campus Center 208