Serve Abroad
At Concordia University, Nebraska, we want to help you study, learn and grow to help you prepare yourself for real life and your future vocations. That preparation goes beyond just your classes and experiences on campus. Serving abroad is a great way to gain international experience while you expand your worldview, gain cross-cultural understanding and develop a global mindset.
Concordia offers many different international mission trips so you can demonstrate God’s love while serving the world and discovering a different culture. Past mission trips have included teaching English as a second language in Poland, medical mission trips to Guatemala and spreading the Gospel and serving local communities in places like the Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Peru and Uruguay.
Serving abroad equips you with global life skills that no book or classroom can match. An international mission trip can help you serve people around the world using your own unique skills and passions.
Acts 1:8
Students in Mission
In Acts 1:8, Jesus told those at his ascension, "You will be my witnesses..." The Acts 1:8 Students in Mission gift fund provides grants for Concordia students to participate in mission trips where they can demonstrate Jesus' love through words and works. If you have a heart to serve, the Acts 1:8 fund can help support you as you fulfill God’s call to spread the Gospel and serve communities around the world.

Mission Minded Students
The Mission Minded Students (MMS) group exists on campus to promote missions - including awareness, support and involvement in domestic and international mission organizations and opportunities - for Concordia students. The MMS group holds meetings, invites guest speakers, and promotes opportunities for local and international mission activities throughout the school year.
Besides attending meetings and hearing from student or missionaries on their mission experiences, you can participate in the Beautiful Feet Mission Conference held annually at one of the Concordia campuses.
In the Mission Minded Students group, you can also participate in local mission activities like packing meals for Kids Against Hunger or engaging with inner-city ministries on an Urban Plunge weekend. Or, take your mission farther, by joining a team to serve abroad!

Study Abroad Opportunities
Many of your most memorable and rewarding experiences at Concordia will happen outside the classroom. In fact, they may even happen in another country. In keeping with our mission, Concordia offers a wide variety of study abroad opportunities to promote you intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth. The broader and richer your experiences, the more effective you’ll be as a servant-leader.
Contact Information
Visit our Global Opportunities page for more details on upcoming serve abroad opportunities, or contact Julie Johnston Hermann.

Julie Johnston Hermann
Director of Global Opportunities