Adjunct professor Deanna Dirks enjoys helping teachers expand their skills so they can serve others

Published by Amy Crawford 2 months ago on Fri, Nov 15, 2024 2:16 PM

Deanna Dirks serves Concordia Nebraska as an adjunct professor for the master of education in literacy program. She teaches two classes where students design case studies in literacy. She earned a reading specialist endorsement from the university in 2007. She has served the university since 2022. 

She has a bachelor of arts degree from Hastings College and a master of education degree from Doane College. 

“I enjoy working with educators from around the world,” she said. “Some are teaching in the United States, others live and teach in foreign countries. As someone who values literacy and recognizes its power, I want highly qualified practitioners in the field to help develop skilled readers. I am blessed to play a small role in this process through my position at Concordia Nebraska.” 

I enjoy working with educators from around the world. Some are teaching in the United States, others live and teach in foreign countries. As someone who values literacy and recognizes its power, I want highly qualified practitioners in the field to help develop skilled readers. I am blessed to play a small role in this process through my position at Concordia Nebraska.

She said that Concordia Nebraska is a welcoming place, and that the colleagues she works with are supportive and encouraging. 

“The students in my courses are eager to learn and dedicated to serving,” she said. “When I met Dr. Janell Uffelman back in 2005, I was impressed with the atmosphere of Concordia and its staff. In 2022, when I met Dr. Kathleen Wheeler and Dr. Lois Todd-Meyer, my hopes for a similar feeling were met. The desire to help teachers grow and become leaders in their field was a common thread. Their personal support from a Christian foundation was evident in our interactions. I hope to carry on this tradition in my interactions with students enrolled in the courses I teach.” 

Although she is a teacher, Dirks said she is also constantly learning from the teachers who are students in her classes. 

“Their stories sometimes help develop my faith,” she explained. “And the messages from [Concordia Nebraska campus chaplain] Ryan Matthias are also uplifting - and sometimes challenging - in a good way.” 

Affectionately referred to as “Nana” by her youngest nieces and nephews, Dirks is an active member of Faith Lutheran Church in Hastings, Nebraska, and currently serves on the church council. She enjoys volunteering in the middle school garden and also enjoys biking, pickleball, reading and Husker volleyball. She and her cocker spaniel Meshach enjoy frequent walks in the park and visiting family and friends. 

A master of education degree from Concordia University, Nebraska is more than just a degree. It’s an opportunity to reflect Christ’s light in your classroom. Featuring Spirit-driven teaching techniques that inspire classrooms and transform lives, Concordia’s flexible master of education offerings include a variety of programs infused with Christian values. 

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