Agricultural education major sophomore Kailyn Paul says Concordia Nebraska has helped her discover her purpose and passion

Published by Amy Crawford 4 days ago on Mon, Oct 21, 2024 2:48 PM

Sophomore Kailyn Paul of Daykin, Nebraska, is studying agricultural education at Concordia University, Nebraska and also working toward her Lutheran Teacher Diploma. She is a member of the university’s A Cappella choir, the university band, Ag Club, Uzziah Scholars and the Luke Scholars academic honors program. 

Her parents Ryan Paul '97 and Lisa (Brandt) Paul ALND '97 both attended Concordia Nebraska and always spoke fondly of the university.  

“I remember being on campus for Gathering of the Talents when I was young, and I also know several people who have attended and are currently attending,” she said. “Concordia Nebraska is one of the few places in Nebraska that offers a degree in agricultural education. Additionally, the fact that the university is so faith-centered is incredibly important to me, because my faith in Christ guides me in all I do.” 

She said that simply put, Concordia Nebraska feels like home. 

The opportunity that Concordia Nebraska gives students to obtain a well-rounded education enriched with faith is a gift that I hope to never take for granted.

“Although there are more than 1,000 people on campus, it feels like, for lack of a better comparison, small-town Nebraska,” she said. “I feel very comfortable here and it is reassuring to know that I have a family and a home away from my own. Additionally, the professors are very kind and personable, and each works faith into their classrooms. The opportunity that Concordia Nebraska gives students to obtain a well-rounded education enriched with faith is a gift that I hope to never take for granted.” 

Paul said she has had many amazing moments during her time on campus, including experiences with the track and field team, but one thing that stands out is the A Cappella Choir east coast tour she experienced during Spring Break her freshman year. 

“We performed in several states, including Ohio, New York, Maryland, New Jersey and more. I had never been to any of the states we performed in, and we also visited Washington, D.C. I also got to visit the ocean for the first time!” she said. 

Paul said she feels that Concordia Nebraska is equipping her for her future vocations and helping her to discover her purpose and pursue her passions. 

“My professors do a wonderful job of encouraging me to broaden my horizons and challenge myself to not only grow intellectually, but also as a person. The professors here don't think of you as a student, but rather as a future connection or even coworker. My professors have helped solidify my decisions on working in education, and all work to encourage and support me in every way they can,” she said. “Concordia works to ensure that students are the most prepared they can be, not only for their future careers but also for real life. I feel as though I am called to teach, and the classes I have taken have all been full of information I feel will apply and be relevant at all times in my future. Concordia teaches you how to be a confident, prepared, God-fearing candidate in the line of work you are hoping to pursue. Additionally, the connections I have made here, both professors and fellow students, are incredibly valuable. Both are wonderful resources and friends that I hope to keep in touch with for life.” 

She said the Christ-focus at the university is apparent both in and out of the classroom. 

“Not only is faith intertwined in your day-to-day class lectures, and is sometimes the main topic of a course, it is also alive all around everyone at Concordia,” she said. “Faith can be found in Bible verses on buildings and stairs, in the name of our campus coffee shop (10:31), Bible studies around campus, countless churches in close proximity, PRAISE on Wednesdays, chapel every weekday and Evening Prayer on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All of these opportunities are a wonderful way to grow and develop your faith, no matter where you are in your walk with Christ! Plus, the professors, Pastor Matthias, and other students all are great resources for questions and conversations. God is at work at Concordia Nebraska, without a doubt.” 

Paul is engaged to Nathan King, and they will marry in June 2025. 

“I come from a rather large family,” she said. “My parents are Ryan and Lisa, and I have five siblings: three older brothers, Connor, Christian (who is with the Lord) and Corin, and two younger sisters, Kelsi and Kwinn. My family is very important to me, and since they moved to Montana this past summer, I miss them like crazy.” 

 After graduation, Paul hopes to teach agriculture courses at a middle school or high school and advise that respective school's FFA chapter. 

“I have always loved agriculture, academics, teaching others and working with those younger than myself, so I feel it is a wonderful way for me to combine my passions,” she said. “I also am getting my Lutheran Teacher Diploma so that, if the Lord so plans for me to do, I may at some point help bridge the gap of the lack of agriculture courses and FFA in Lutheran high schools.” 

A degree in agricultural education from Concordia University, Nebraska prepares students with the teaching and leadership skills, technical agricultural knowledge and broad general education needed to be a successful middle, high school or community agricultural program agriculture teacher. The ag education program at Concordia can also provide the preparation needed to work in agricultural extension, positions in foreign service or as an agricultural educator in business and industry.  

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