Alumnus of the Year – Dr. Korrey D. Klein ’01: “Concordia situated me perfectly to become a hospital CEO”

Published by Amy Crawford 5 months ago on Wed, Sep 25, 2024 1:42 PM

During Homecoming weekend, the Concordia Alumni Association honors alumni and friends for their outstanding service and accomplishments. 

The Concordia Nebraska Alumnus of the Year award is given to an alumnus who has demonstrated outstanding Christian service and leadership in the community, church and world, and outstanding performance in his or her vocation.    

Korrey D. Klein, MD ’01 has a bachelor of science in business administration from Concordia Nebraska, a doctorate of medicine from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver and completed family medicine residency at St. Mary’s Family Medicine in Grand Junction, Colorado. He is a family physician and is currently president and CEO of Family Health West in Fruita, Colorado, where he serves as the executive team leader and administrator, oversees patient safety, policy creation and review, and clinical care guidelines creation, implementation and review.   He also ensures integrated care delivery throughout the health system. 

“I have spent my entire career working in rural, Critical Access Hospitals. However, starting in 2012, I began not only providing medical care, but overseeing the day-to-day operations and financial management of our private practice, including payroll as a ‘side job.’ In 2018, I was recruited to become the first-ever chief medical officer of Family Health West, a Critical Access Hospital across the street from one of our clinics,” he said. “Six months later, the CEO retired, and the board chose me to become the fourth President and CEO of Family Health West, overseeing the operations of the hospital, assisted living for Alzheimer’s patients and a large number of outpatient ancillary services and clinics. Family Health West acquired my private practice in 2019, and together have grown from six providers to over 20. Family Health West is the largest employer in Fruita with over 600 employees.” 

In a lead position over the executive team, Klein reports to a governing body made up of 11 community member volunteers.    

I had an incredibly fulfilling experience at Concordia, made possible by the small university atmosphere.

“Family Health West is a non-profit organization with the goal of providing healthcare related services to our community. My daily duties include oversight of the executive leaders, establishment and implementation of strategic priorities, communicating with our community, collaborating with other area hospitals, and making important operational decisions when necessary,” he said. “I still work in the clinic as a Family Medicine physician every other week where I get the continued privilege of caring for patients and their individual medical needs. It is highly rewarding! However, as CEO of Family Health West, I get the opportunity to coordinate healthcare for everyone. From helping a patient navigate our system, soothing a grieving family, celebrating a discharge home, to just visiting a sick person from our congregation, I am privileged to walk alongside a truly amazing group of individuals from all walks of life.” 

Prior to becoming CEO at Family Health West, he owned and served as a family physician at Western Valley Family Practice where he championed value-based payment reform and helped streamline practice efficiency. He served Family Health West by assisting in the implementation of a new electronic medical record served as inpatient medical director, access clinic medical director, nursing home medical director and vice chief of staff. He transitioned to Family Health West as the vice president of medical services and chief medical officer. Prior to his employment in Fruita, he worked as a family physician at Grand River Health in Rifle, Colorado.  

As an accomplished speaker, Klein has presented at numerous conferences and events including: 

  • “Making The Right Choice – Assessing Practice Opportunities and Environments “ (April, 2024 Practice Essentials COPIC Workshop) 

  • “Insights Into Our Evolving Healthcare Industry” (April, 2024 Western Colorado Economic Summit) 

  • “Leading Through A Revenue Cycle Crisis in a Critical Access Hospital” (February, 2024 AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference) 

  • “Workplace Health to Community Health” (November, 2023 Grand Junction Chamber’s Annual Health Summit) 

  • “Understanding Primary Care’s Surprising Impact on Health” (September, 2023 Health Symposium) 

  • “Workforce Pipeline Often Means Growing and Nurturing Local Talent” (June, 2023 AHA Rural Health Advocacy and Policy Update and Member Perspective Webinar) 

  • “Making The Right Choice – Assessing Practice Opportunities and Environments“ (May, 2023 Practice Essentials COPIC Workshop) 

  • “Rural Practice Experiences in Colorado” (May, 2023 Practice Essentials COPIC Workshop ) 

Klein is a board-certified member of the American Board of Family Medicine, and a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, Colorado Medical Society, Colorado Academy of Family Physicians, American Hospital Association and the Colorado Hospital Association. 

As an active member of his community and church, he serves as chairman and board member at Messiah Lutheran Church & School in Grand Junction, Colorado; board member of the Colorado Institute of Family Medicine; clinical faculty volunteer at the University of Colorado School of Medicine; board member of the Colorado Hospital Association Shared Services and Financial Advisors, Inc.; secretary and board member of the Lower Valley Hospital Association Governing Board; member of the Mesa County Health Leadership Consortium; treasurer, investments committee member and board member for Hilltop Resources, Inc.; board member, nominating committee member and governance committee member for Western Healthcare Alliance; and is a member of the Quality Health Network Mesa County Advisory Committee. 

He is married to Alana Klein, a registered nurse who put her career on pause to raise their two sons, Tucker (12) and Austin (6). Korrey and Alana recently celebrated their sixteenth wedding anniversary. Tucker, who is going into seventh grade at Messiah Lutheran School, is actively involved in the volleyball and basketball programs. He plays the piano and loves to sing. Austin is going into Kindergarten at Messiah and loves to play soccer.   He recently asked if he could go on a ‘play date’ with his dad to the hospital. 

“I love to play the piano and am actively involved in the church choir,” said Klein. “I am invested in the success of our parochial school and often serve as a teaching assistant, leading several dissection classes each year. I like to garden and travel with my family. I have been working on governance, including recently helping my church rewrite their bylaws and establish policy-based governance.   I am working with another non-profit to review their governance documents.” 

One of his favorite Concordia Nebraska memories was traveling to Australia for the World Music Festival during his senior year.  

“I had an incredibly fulfilling experience at Concordia, made possible by the small university atmosphere,” he said. “I was able to spend time in the business school, sciences school and music department on a daily basis, and only steps away from each other. I was a business school tutor, in the A Cappella Choir, and an animal caretaker in the science lab, all at the same time!” 

He said his professors encouraged, guided and invested in him during his time on campus. 

“They always kept an open mind. As a business student suddenly wanting to go to medical school, they never doubted my decision-making or indecisive mind,” he said. “Instead, they allowed me to learn and grow, preparing for the eventuality of medical school, or the great ‘something else’ if I had not been accepted. I never knew for a long time why I would get a business degree and then go to medical school.   I quickly learned that healthcare is very much a business and understanding the financial functions was essential to making me a better physician. I transitioned easily from managing my own private practice to the more structured world of healthcare…Concordia situated me perfectly to become a hospital CEO.” 

Not only did his Concordia Nebraska studies prepare him for his current vocation, his time at the university strengthened his faith and provided him with life-long friendships. He encourages students to be flexible and always willing to continue to learn. 

“No matter your degree, career, or the place you end up landing after graduation, success comes from your ability to adapt and seek happiness from any life circumstance,” he said.   “Also, have integrity and never compromise your values. Flexibility without integrity is a listless ship on the sea of life.” 

The Paul H. and Mary Ann Koehler Department of Business at Concordia University, Nebraska allows students to be part of a community that has a commitment to excellence and engaged faculty that allow students to go through life-changing experiences together on paths to a positive future. 

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