Bachelor of Music in Church Music
Concordia Nebraska has a long and proud tradition of training musicians to lead music in worship. Our degree in church music prepares students to become outstanding practitioners of sacred music by developing their own musicianship to high levels. They are becoming effective and creative leaders of the church’s song from the organ and the piano, learning to be conductors of both instrumental and vocal ensembles of all ages and sizes, and applying the study of theology to worship planning in order to utilize music effectively in the Divine Service.
As a student, you will have full access to our newly expanded and renovated Music Center, scheduled to open in the Fall of 2022. This will hopefully include 10 pipe organs by 9 different builders, many Steinway pianos in practice rooms and studios and a state-of-the-art recording studio.
You will also have opportunities to put your skills into action by helping to lead worship in daily chapel, evening prayer or praise services, and by completing practicum hours in churches helping with worship or rehearsals.
Be a part of the next class of church musicians.
Graduates of our church music program who hold membership in a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod are eligible to be placed on the roster of Synod and receive a divine call to a congregation. Concordia’s synodical placement office assists with the call process and informs us annually of the high demand within our synod for church musicians. You will be filling a great need in the church!
Positions in church music can vary from church to church, but typically you would serve as the primary organist and pianist, conductor of the adult and children’s choir, and be involved in worship planning.
Some positions also could involve leadership of the church’s praise band or handbell choirs, involving a variety of instrumentalists in the worship services, and arranging music for use in music. Churches with schools sometimes will structure a position so that their musician works about half-time teaching music in the school and half-time leading music in the church.
Students can opt to combine the Bachelor of Music in Church Music degree with a degree in music education to earn a state teaching certificate in music in addition to the certification as a Director of Parish Music. This combination of degrees can frequently be completed with an extra one or two semesters and can be helpful as it also qualifies you to teach music in a school associated with church in addition to leading church music.