Christian Stewardship in Agriculture

The Earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it
(Psalm 24:1)
As a Lutheran Christian university, Concordia University, Nebraska strives to help students fulfill the charge of being good stewards of God’s earth. We prepare you with the broad-based education you need to think critically, solve problems and face the ever-changing world of agriculture and food production, whether you choose to work directly in the agriculture industry or focus instead on supporting ag as a financier, marketer or other important role.
Everything we do on campus at Concordia reflects our faith. Jesus is present in the classrooms, the dorms, the cafeteria and the playing fields and courts. That also includes our approach to our agriculture program. At Concordia, we focus on the stewardship of the earth and how we can create sustainable, long-lasting and ethically sound agriculture practices.
God gave us the earth as a gift to support us and nourish us, physically and spiritually. As His stewards, He trusts us to watch over the world and its resources until His return. One way to show our love for God is to respect the talents and resources he has provided us with, to treat the earth as the gift it is and to strive to make the world a better place.
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