Concordia Nebraska hosts Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education annual summer coference

The Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education (CCLE) presented its annual summer conference, themed “Learning in the Two Kingdoms,” at Concordia University, Nebraska July 18-21, 2023. Concordia Nebraska professor Dr. Gabriel Haley serves on the CCLE board of directors.
The conference featured a variety of presentations highlighting topics such as classical education, curriculum resources, education methods, special needs students, essay writing, curriculum mapping and more. Several Concordia Nebraska professors gave presentations at the event including Haley and Dr. Elizabeth Grimpo. In addition, Dr. Kurt von Kampen directed a choir for select youth at the event. The conference is attended by school administrators, educators, homeschool families and the general public.
“This conference is an amazing opportunity for administrators, educators, parents and others to gather to learn about classical Lutheran education and to discuss best practices, trends and techniques,” said CCLE President Rev. Stephen W. Kieser. “In addition, this was an opportunity for our conference attendees to worship together and enjoy camaraderie together. We enjoyed an educational, enriching time of fellowship and learning.”
Conference plenary presenters were Rev. Dr. Geoff Boyle, assistant professor of pastoral ministry and missions and director of field education at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne; Dr. Mark Kalthoff, professor of history and Henry Salvatori chair in history and traditional values at Hillsdale College; and Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz, pastor and evangelist of Trinity Lutheran Church, Denver, Colorado. Enjoyed by more than 450 guests of all ages, the conference also included fellowship and worship opportunities, numerous presentations from a variety of speakers, children’s and teen-focused programming, a fellowship dinner and awards presentations.
The annual CCLE summer conference will return to Concordia Nebraska in 2024. Next year’s event is themed “Cantate: Sing to the Lord a New Song” and is scheduled to take place on campus July 23-26, 2024.
The Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education (CCLE) exists to promote, establish, and equip individuals and schools committed to confessional Lutheran doctrine and a classical approach to education. CCLE will advance and promote classical education within the context of confessional Lutheranism among students, faculty, administrators, pastors, and home educators by providing standards, conferences, professional development, resource materials and consulting services. For more information, please visit
Concordia Nebraska hosts a variety of conferences and events on campus year-round. Learn more about upcoming events and campus happenings here.
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