Concordia Nebraska hosts luncheon for church work students 2024

The keynote speaker for the event was Rev. Dr. James Baneck, former North Dakota District President of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). He currently serves as executive director of pastoral education for the LCMS. He talked about the synod’s Set Apart to Serve program. Set Apart to Serve (SAS) is an initiative of the LCMS to recruit church workers. Since church work is rooted in Baptism and a lifetime of hearing the Word, SAS encourages young people to consider church work vocations primarily through their continued and faithful involvement with their congregation.
“Church worker formation begins with faith in Jesus through hearing God’s Word,” said Baneck. “Everyone in the church - pastors, commissioned workers and lay members - are church work recruiters. We are working to change LCMS culture so church worker recruitment is a common part of our work together.”
Following Baneck’s address, students were asked to discuss how being set apart to serve in church work will impact their day-to-day life. Lunch guests also took time to document their “why” on cards, and then shared their thoughts with other students at their table, resulting in lively and engaging conversation. Many students cited teachers, pastors and church workers who had inspired them.
More than 180 students attended the event, along with 15 Concordia Nebraska faculty. There are currently 264 students in church work programs at Concordia Nebraska. Concordia Nebraska’s church work programs include Lutheran teacher diploma, director of Christian education, director of parish music, pre-seminary, pre-deaconess and classical Lutheran teacher certification.
Concordia Nebraska is currently planning additional church work student lunch events that will take place in fall 2024 and spring 2025.
Are you interested in learning more about church work education opportunities at Concordia Nebraska? Learn more here.
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