Concordia Nebraska names 2023 church work graduates, details calls accepted

Published by Amy Crawford 1 year ago on Fri, Sep 29, 2023 2:41 PM

Concordia Nebraska is dedicated to equipping church workers who will serve The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) and other Christian denominations through five ordained and commissioned ministries. The university seeks to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue various vocations and lead in God’s church. 

“One of Concordia’s most longstanding reasons for existence is to be an immersive and Christ-centered community that nurtures the next generation of those who heed God’s call for full-time service in the church. This includes future Lutheran educators, Directors of Christian Education, church musicians, pastors and deaconesses—all equipped to share the love of God in Christ in their families schools, churches, communities, and around the world,” said Concordia University, Nebraska President Dr. Bernard Bull. “This demands more than a series of courses. It requires a robust, challenging and Christ-centered community where students are mentored, supported and challenged—all while developing lifelong friendships and partners in the Gospel. We continue to have the greatest concentration of church work students of any Concordia, making up between twenty and thirty percent of our entire student body. This critical mass of church work students helps create an environment where students support, encourage, and challenge one another; growing and learning together, in community, which is one of the secrets to Concordia’s unique culture.” 

These Concordia Nebraska students recently graduated from the church work programs listed: 

Pre-seminary graduates: 

Tyler Bartels is attending Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana.  

Nathan Birtell will attend a seminary in the future. 
Owen Dawson is attending Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. 
Zachary Johnson is attending Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. 
Nathan Kieser is attending Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. 
Tyler Linneman is attending Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. 
Nathaniel Mars is attending Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. 
Adler Rickords is attending Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. 
Jonah Wilson is attending Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. 

Pre-deaconess graduates: 

Paige Rebber is attending Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. 
Rosanna Scott will attend graduate school.  
Julia Witt is attending Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. 

Director of Parish Music graduate: 

Nathan T. Pennington accepted a call to be Director of Parish Music at Immanuel Lutheran Church and School in Washington, Missouri. 

Director of Christian Education graduates: 

Faith A. Armer accepted a call to be Director of Christian Education at Hope Lutheran Church in Levittown, Pennsylvania.  

Madyson (Mady) M. Pinn (Pralle) accepted a call to be Director of Christian Education at Trinity Lutheran Church in Bellingham, Washington. 

Lutheran Teacher Diploma graduates:  

Matthew D. Boll accepted a call to teach grades 5-8 physical education, religion and science at Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church and School in Eagan, Minnesota. 

Hannah F. Eatherton accepted a call to teach third grade at Good Shepherd Lutheran School in Collinsville, Illinois. 

Sierra C. Geistfeld accepted a call to teach second grade at Sioux Falls Lutheran School in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 

Emma K. Holthus accepted a call to teach social studies and religion at Child of God Lutheran School in St. Peters, Missouri. 

Faith M. Jonas accepted a call to teach third grade at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran School in San Antonio, Texas. 

Kassidy L Fanning (Knutson) accepted a call to teach Kindergarten at Immanuel Lutheran Church and School in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. 

Hannah E. Mundt accepted a call to teach English language arts at Concordia Lutheran High School in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. 

Madison J. Owen accepted a call to teach Kindergarten at St. Paul's Lutheran School in Sioux City, Iowa. 

Victoria (Tori) L. Ritzma accepted a call to teach social science at Hope Lutheran High School in Winona, Minnesota. 

Jack E. Rolland accepted a call to teach fourth grade at Faith Lutheran Academy in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Adrianna R. Sims accepted a call to teach math, science and religion at Immanuel Lutheran School in Columbus, Nebraska. 

Clarissa A. Spiehs accepted a call to teach art and be a dorm counselor at St. Paul Lutheran High School in Concordia, Missouri. 

Rebekah M. Stadler (Eatherton) accepted a call to teach third grade at Zion Lutheran School in St. Charles, Missouri. 

Matthew D. Wahlers accepted a call to teach social science at Sierra Lutheran High School in Carson City, Nevada. 

Emily E. Wanner accepted a call to teach fourth grade at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church and School in Lincoln, Nebraska. 

Bethany D. Zeckzer accepted a call to teach music at Lincoln Lutheran School in Lincoln, Nebraska.                                                                                                                                                         

These Concordia Nebraska students graduated from a church work program but deferred their placement or did not accept a call due to various circumstances:  

Makenna G. Landrey (Clovis)  

Jennifer A. Horne  

Rachael (Ethridge) Bender  

Jacob C Brandt  

Logan T. French  

Shaina L. Grundstrom (Danile) 

Marlee A. Hubach  

Ian A. Kollipara  

Kathryn R. Pennington (Castens)            

Micah D. Schultz  

Bennett A. Shane  

Benjamin M. Toenjes  

Are you interested in discovering how Concordia Nebraska prepares future church workers? Learn more here.  

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