Concordia Nebraska names new Luke Scholars honors program participants

Published by Amy Crawford 6 months ago on Mon, Sep 9, 2024 1:41 PM

Luke Scholars is Concordia Nebraska’s honors program, which is open to all students of any educational background. Participating students are selected via application, and about 15 to 20 new students are admitted annually. This school year, the program has 56 students total. The program is in its sixth year at the university. 

This year, 17 students were admitted into the program:  

Noah Niederklein, Pittsburg, Kan.  
Elizabeth Salo, Hannibal, Mo. 
Cole Yunker, Newburgh, Ind.  
Lilly Loghry, Omaha, Neb.  
Samuel Olson, Overland Park, Kan. 
Anika Bjordahl, Sioux Falls, S.D. 
Cameran Schafer, Orange, Calif. 
Genevieve Schmidt, Lincoln, Neb.  
Erin Meyer, Winfield, Kan. 
Richard Peperkorn, Fort Wayne, Ind.  
Morgan Davis, Andover, Kan. 
Mitchell Stephens, Houston, Texas 
Timothy Meyer, Lexington, Texas 
Caylen McCoy, Topeka, Kan.  
Emma VonKampen, Atkins, Iowa 
Acacia Carlson, Pleasant Dale, Neb. 
Raynesha Price, Wamego, Kan. 

“This year’s class is really stellar,” said Concordia Nebraska Associate Professor of History and Director of Luke Scholars Dr. John Hink. “They are all coming in with impressive abilities personally. However, they complement their natural abilities with a real desire to further develop their intellect and faith.” 

Luke Scholars are disciplined, contemplative and motivated students who are willing to challenge themselves intellectually in order to enhance their lives and serve others through their vocational callings. To ensure course rigor and meaningful community, the program is also selective. Luke Scholars receive notable tangible benefits, including complimentary Luke Scholars course materials, access to the Luke Scholars library, tuition waivers for course overloads, funds to support research, supplemental study travel stipends and recognition for being a Luke Scholar on transcripts. 

All students who have been admitted to Concordia are invited to apply to be a part of Luke Scholars. An application, two letters of recommendation from teachers and, if selected, an interview are part of the application process. Once students have been admitted to Concordia, they may submit an application via email to

Interested in Concordia's Luke Scholars honors program? 

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