Concordia Nebraska’s Dr. Amanda Geidel serves as Richardson Professor of Education

Dr. Amanda Geidel is Concordia Nebraska’s Education Department Chair and Special Education Program Director. She is currently serving as the Richardson Professor of Education, utilizing funds provided through the Richardson endowment to spend six hours weekly in elementary special education classrooms working with current teachers and their students during the 2023 spring semester.
In 1992, a faculty endowment was given to Concordia College, designated for the college of education, by Willard and Leitha Richardson. The Richardson Professorship in Education is given to a chosen faculty member within the education department for three consecutive years at a time. The available funds to this professor, as a portion of the full endowment, may be used for scholarly research, professional growth, or teaching materials.
“In my first year as the Richardson Professor of Education, 2021-2022, I used the available funds to purchase materials and alternative seating, as well as for payment for a mural to be created in THOM 105,” explained Geidel. “The intention is to create a classroom more in line with that of a K-12 classroom. More additions to this space are planned for the coming summer as well.”
This year, Geidel used the available funds to hire and adjunct instructor to teach one of her courses. This freed up six hours a week for her to spend at Seward Elementary School.
“I go each Tuesday and Thursday morning for three hours and help in two different special education classrooms,” said Geidel. “I get to work directly with students who need support and with their teachers and paraeducators. I have loved this opportunity to get back into a K-12 setting, working directly with children, and learning about what has changed in schools since I was a classroom teacher nearly 20 years ago.”
As Concordia Nebraska’s education department chair, Geidel provides leadership and organization to the department. She also serves as director of special education, developing curriculum objectives and course descriptions for all special education coursework, teaching special education courses, supervising special education student teachers and hiring adjunct instructors to teach special education courses.
“In my work here, I have also created Wednesday Social Hour on campus,” said Geidel. “Each week my students and I host a one hour gathering for Region V clients. We meet in the game room in Janzow and play games such as UNO, pool, ping pong, or whatever our guests want to do. This is a meaningful weekly event for all involved.”
Amanda is married to Jeremy Geidel, Concordia Nebraska’s Director of Graduate/Adult Admission and Operations for nearly 28 years. They have four children: Jonah (11), Noelle (16), Claire (18) and Madison (22 and married to Cayden). She loves being active outside in all seasons, whether shoveling snow, skiing, doing yardwork or enjoying the beach. She also loves reading and spending time with family.
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