Concordia Serves Week

Concordia University, Nebraska’s Gives Week is March 20-24, 2023. Concordia Gives Week is a week-long fundraising event that brings friends, alumni and students together to support the mission of the university: equipping men and women for lives of learning, service and leadership in the church and world.
Leading up to Concordia Gives Week, many at the university participated in Concordia Serves Week, which took place March 13-19. Everyone on campus was invited to get involved by serving others. Different groups, clubs and teams at Concordia were encouraged to participate in a variety of events and fundraising efforts. Campus groups including Mission Minded Students, Student Senate and 10:31 Coffee Shop invited all students or staff members to participate in service project(s) throughout the week.
A limited number of small grants were available to groups that needed funding for supplies for their projects. Thrivent members were also able to apply for Thrivent Action Team grants to help fund projects.
The Concordia Serves Week projects that were completed will be showcased during Concordia Gives Week. Follow Concordia Nebraska social media for project highlights throughout the week.
“Through Concordia Gives Week we hope to bring together the campus, the Seward community, and the greater Concordia Nebraska community of alumni and friends all around one goal,” said Concordia Fund Manager Kindra Olson. “Raising $125,000 in 24 hours is not easy, but I believe that it will be amazing to see what we can do when we all come together.”
The events for Concordia Gives Week are as follows:
March 20, Eat at Jimmy John’s: Dine out for Concordia University, Nebraska at Jimmy John’s! 10% of proceeds go directly to the Concordia Fund.
March 21, Concordia Serves Week Highlights: Follow along on social media as we highlight projects from our Student Service Week.
March 22, Day of Giving Starts: Day of Giving starts at noon! Join us as we raise $125,000 in 24 hours for Concordia.
March 23, Support Our Mission: Day of Giving ends at noon! Thank you for supporting our mission to equip men and women for lives of learning, service and leadership in the church and world!
March 24, Celebrate the Concordia Community: Celebrate what our Concordia community can do when we work together! Join us in Janzow Campus Center from 2-4 p.m. for a celebration of Concordia Gives Week.
“Every single student at Concordia receives scholarship money from the Concordia Fund. Our incredible alumni understand that, and they give back to Concordia to help the current students. We have the best alumni and supporters of Lutheran education,” said Olson. “We hope everyone will participate in Concordia Gives Week this year whether that is to dine out for Concordia at Jimmy John’s on Monday, share a photo of your family pet on social media with the tag #CUNEgives for our Dogs for Dawgs Challenge, or give a gift from $5 to $5,000. Showing your support to Concordia has never been easier. Go Bulldogs!”
Learn more about Concordia Gives Week here!
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