Concordia Nebraska students travel to Washington, D.C. for 2025 March for Life

Published by Hope Nelson 1 month ago on Thu, Feb 6, 2025 8:45 AM
A group of Concordia Nebraska students at March for Life. They are wearing beanies and winter coats. They hold homemade signs that say things like

From January 23-25, 66 Concordia University, Nebraska students and chaperones attended the 2025 national March for Life in Washington, D.C. The event occurs each year at the end of January around the date that Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case that legalized abortion in all 50 U.S. states, was passed in 1973. As of June 2022, the Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson overturned this ruling; however, national and local life marches are still going strong.  

According to the March for Life website, “the March for Life is a peaceful, vibrant and joy-filled rally of women, men, young people and children from across the country.” The national March’s goal is to “celebrate life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, and at every moment in between.”  

Bulldogs4Life, Concordia Nebraska’s pro-life club, leads the annual trip to Washington, D.C. Students who choose to participate then have the opportunity to take part in Lutherans for Life’s “Y4Life” conference. The conference takes place on the days surrounding the March for Life and is attended by high school and college students and adult chaperones. Other colleges who sent groups included Concordia Wisconsin, Concordia Ann Arbor, Concordia Chicago, Concordia St. Paul and Concordia Irvine

In a Christ-like manner, Bulldogs4Life upholds the sanctity of all human life, addressing and educating on life issues in our community.

Junior Emma VanTol is the president of Bulldogs4Life. She said that this year’s trip was a great experience for all involved.  

“Overall, this was another great trip,” she said. “I am so thankful that I was able to lead this group of people to Washington, D.C. so we could uphold the sanctity of life together.” 

The Bulldogs4Life mission statement echoes this life-affirming sentiment.  

“Our mission statement is ‘in a Christ-like manner, Bulldogs4Life upholds the sanctity of all human life, addressing and educating on life issues in our community,’” VanTol said.  

Concordia Nebraska’s group left campus early on the morning of January 23 and arrived in Washington, D.C. that afternoon. The Y4Life conference provided them with activities, including devotions, icebreakers and a talk from guest speaker Josh Brahm that evening. The following morning, they heard from speaker Katy Faust and took part in the national March for Life. Before they left the following day, they also heard talks from a panel, Rev. Chad Hoover, Rev. Jeff Leininger and Rev. Michael Salemink

Almost 500 participants took part in the Y4Life conference, making it one of the largest ever.  

Clubs and intramurals at Concordia University, Nebraska provide a place for students to pursue their interests and passions outside of the classroom. With over 35 different on- and off-campus organizations available, there are options for any student. Learn more about clubs and intramurals here.  

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