Concordia University, Nebraska welcomes Rev. Dr. Robert Rosin to speak

Published by Concordia University, Nebraska 8 years ago on Fri, Nov 4, 2016 12:28 PM

RevDr. Robert Rosin will be presenting “The Reformation Then and Now: Context Counts and Methods Matter” as part of the 500th Reformation Anniversary Lecture Series at the Concordia University, Nebraska campus Nov. 14 at 1:30 p.m. in the Weller Chapel.

Rosin is professor emeritus of historical theology at the Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. Prior to that, he received his Bachelor of Arts from Concordia Teachers College, River Forest, and a Master of Divinity from the Concordia Seminary. In addition, he received his Master degree and a Ph.D. from Stanford University.

He was a research fellow at the Institut für Europäische Geschichte in Mainz, Germany before joining the Seminary faculty in 1982. Since being there, Rosin has primarily taught Reformation history and theology. He has been the editor of Concordia Seminary Publications, chairman of the department of historical theology, Director of the Center of Reformation Research and has served as an officer and board member for numerous societies and conferences.

Rosin is the author of “Reformers, the Preacher, and Skepticism: Luther, Brenz, Melanchthon and Ecclesiastes” and is the editor and translator of Luther’s commentary and historical introductions for the “Concordia Reference Bible.” He has also authored entries for the “Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation,” the “Encyclopedia of Protestantism” and the “Oxford Handbook on Martin Luther’s Theology.” Finally, he has written articles for large journals, has contributed chapters to a number of books and spoken at a variety of international conferences.

Concordia University, Nebraska will host nine guest speakers as part of the 500th Reformation Anniversary Lecture Series, all of whom will present on a variety of topics related to the Reformation. Following each lecture, there will be time to ask questions as well as meet the presenter. All presentations are free and open to the public.

Additional information about the 500th Reformation Anniversary and Rev. Dr. Rosin’s lecture is available online at

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