Deb Jurchen ’06 serves alma mater as Concordia Nebraska’s new director of university institutes

Published by Amy Crawford 1 month ago on Fri, Jan 24, 2025 9:57 AM

Deb Jurchen ’06 serves Concordia University, Nebraska as the university’s new director of university institutes. Concordia Nebraska’s institutes provide outreach, service and educational efforts that align and advance the university’s mission and vision by engaging audiences beyond the campus while serving as a resource to the church at large. The institutes include the Center for Liturgical Art, Institute for Ethical Leadership, Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Institute for Religious Education, Institute for Rural and Small Town Ministries and Trinity Academy. 

Jurchen is tasked with aligning each Concordia Nebraska institute with the mission and vision of Concordia University Nebraska and support and advocate for the CUNE institutes as they fill recognized needs and serve as resources to the church at large. 

I love aligning the purpose of each Concordia Nebraska institute to the mission and vision of Concordia Nebraska, organizing, ideating and striving to best fill needs within the church.

“I love aligning the purpose of each Concordia Nebraska institute to the mission and vision of Concordia Nebraska, organizing, ideating and striving to best fill needs within the church,” she said. “The institutes engage Concordia students, provide resources for graduates in the field and help to further the mission and vision of Concordia Nebraska to the greater church.” 

Jurchen has a bachelor of fine arts in K-12 art education with a theology minor from the university. She also has a master’s degree in family life from Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor.  

Jurchen said she loves serving at her alma mater. 

 “There is a strong foundation of faith in our risen Lord and Savior. This foundation of faith drives a focus on mission and community as we serve the Lord together,” she said.  

Deb and her husband Rev. Dr. Peter Jurchen have five children. He serves Concordia Nebraska as assistant professor of Lutheran education and faith formation.  

“I love serving the Lord together as a family,” she said. “We have lived all over the country serving the Lord and His church together.” 

Concordia University, Nebraska’s mission is to equip men and women for lives of learning, service and leadership. This extends far beyond campus. We strive to create a clear and compelling picture and plan for living out our mission while reaching, serving and blessing audiences beyond the campus community with the knowledge, wisdom and gifts of the Concordia community.  

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