Dr. Jennifer Janousek shares the love of Christ in the classroom, through mission trips and in her work in the community

Published by Amy Crawford 8 months ago on Fri, Apr 19, 2024 8:18 AM

Dr. Jennifer Janousek has served Concordia University, Nebraska as professor of health and human performance since 2001. She began in an adjunct position but has served the university full time since 2004. Teaching undergraduate and graduate level public health courses, she said she loves having the opportunity to share her passion about health and well-being with students. 

In addition to teaching classes, Janousek leads annual global health mission trips to Guatemala for students and faculty. In addition to providing for the physical needs of those they visit, she said the trip allows her to share the love of Christ both with her students and with the Guatemalan people. 

“Concordia Nebraska provides so many opportunities for me to grow in my faith: chapel, Bible studies and devotions as well as simply being surrounded by a community of believers both students and colleagues,” she said. 

Janousek has a bachelor of science degree in exercise science and psychology from Nebraska Wesleyan University, a master of science in health education from University of Nebraska at Omaha and a Ph.D. in public health from Walden University. 

She is an active member of the Public Health Association of Nebraska (PHAN), the American Public Health Association (APHA) and the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE). Her dissertation research focused on college women's knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and predictors of acceptance of the HPV vaccine. She is CHES (Certified Health Education Specialist) certified and is the university’s faculty adviser for the Eta Theta chapter of Phi Epsilon Kappa. Phi Epsilon Kappa is a national professional fraternity for persons engaged in or pursuing careers in physical education, health, recreation, dance, human performance, exercise science, sports medicine and sports management. 

Janousek and her husband Tim have four children. She loves to travel, take photos of her children, scrapbook and read. She is also a teammate mentor (7 years), a member of Seward Changing the Game (the group that supports the creation of the Seward Wellness Center), a member of the Seward Public Schools Wellness Committee, a committee member for Four Corners Health Department and is a certified instructor for the American Red Cross. She is on the board of directors at her church - The Rock – and also occasionally leads Bible studies.  

Are you interested in learning more about public health or health and human performance offerings at Concordia Nebraska? Explore areas of study, meet our faculty, discover class options and more. 

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