Eight cases argued before Nebraska Court of Appeals on Concordia University, Nebraska campus
The Nebraska Court of Appeals convened on the campus of Concordia University, Nebraska in Seward on Sept. 16, 2015, as part of the court’s “College Campus Initiative” outreach program.
“As a former teacher myself, I really see the value of the education in going out and presenting to audiences like here at Concordia,” said Nebraska Court of Appeals Judge Riko Bishop of Lincoln, representing District 1. “I’m very grateful for the opportunity. I really hope that we can inspire students to maybe look at the law a little bit differently, look at the people who work in the law a little bit differently … and that we can light a fire for [students] to maybe become interested in working in this profession.”
The court heard oral arguments during morning and afternoon sessions in eight cases involving legal issues ranging from breach of contract to child custody. At the end of each session, the panel of judges held a question and answer time that allowed the public to learn more about the judicial branch of state government and how the judges approach their work.
The judges explained the appellate court review process and their duty to examine the cases in relation to the facts presented at the lower court and the laws in question rather than their personal desires for the outcome of a case. Chief Judge Frankie Moore of North Platte, representing District 6, said, “We need to recognize we might have implicit bias, and we have to work against that because we are limited—and our oath requires us to do this—we’re limited by the facts presented to us and the law, and we are duty-bound to follow that law. … I believe that we do follow our required oath, and that is to apply the facts and the law, and reach a just and fair result.”
While on campus, the Court of Appeals judges and staff attended a luncheon with Concordia students, cabinet members, faculty and staff.
Concordia President Brian Friedrich opened the luncheon quoting the Bible’s Psalm 106:3: “Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right.” He then prayed that God would “lift up and raise up those who are elected to serve this country to ensure we have freedoms and that justice is maintained and that right is constantly done.” He expressed Concordia’s support for the Court of Appeals and the judges as they make difficult decisions and seek to do what is right to maintain justice.
Designed by the judges of the Court of Appeals, the “College Campus Initiative” is intended to provide young Nebraskans with a firsthand look at how the court operates and to learn more about the judicial branch in general. In the past, the court has traveled to University of Nebraska at Kearney, Peru State College, Midland University and Nebraska Wesleyan University.
Seventy-three students from Lincoln Christian High School in Lincoln, Heartland Lutheran High School in Grand Island and Nebraska Lutheran High School in Waco attended, along with students from sociology, journalism, communications, criminal justice and several other Concordia classes. They were joined by members of the public from Seward and surrounding areas.
The Court of Appeals is Nebraska’s second-highest court and reviews appeals of state trial court decisions. The decision of the Nebraska Court of Appeals is final unless granted further review by the Nebraska Supreme Court. The six judges on the Court of Appeals issue an average of more than 400 written opinions each year.
More information about the Court of Appeals and other Nebraska courts can be found on the Judicial Branch website at https://supremecourt.nebraska.gov.