Friend of Concordia Nebraska Norma (Tonniges) Troester HS ’50 joyfully supports the university through endowment

At 11 a.m. every weekday during the school year, you’ll find 92-year-old Norma (Tonniges) Troester HS ’50 in Weller Chapel worshipping with Concordia University, Nebraska students, faculty and staff. Always impeccably dressed and sporting a fashionable hat and gloves, she is a beloved member of the university community.
Norma and her late husband Don both grew up on family farms in Nebraska. They were married in 1951 and were always both active in church activities and found great delight in their five children and their families. Don passed away in 2018. Since his passing, Norma has become a regular fixture on the university campus.
“I am at Concordia because of the younger generation,” said Norma. “I am old, but God has blessed me with connections so many of these young people. All of these students here are so special to me.”
Norma grew up on her family’s farm in York County, and she has many ties to Concordia and the greater Seward community.
“We lived out on a farm quite a way from town, so sometimes I didn’t get to go to Sunday School very often. We didn’t always have a way to get there,” she explained. “I started my schooling in our small country school. Oh, how I loved that school. My parents were both children of God and found each other. They constantly stressed to us how important baptism was. I was baptized one month and one day after I was born. God’s Word has been the anchor for my soul and directed my way of living my whole life. It gives me the answers to many questions of things happening now and that have happened before.”
We are blessed because of the Lord. My parents worked hard to be able to send me to school. In the same spirit, we created this endowment to help others. I am proud to support these students with my contributions
She recalls many Sunday School lessons that stood out to her as a small child: the wisdom of King Solomon and Jesus calming the storm, to name a few.
“All of my life I have lived in the light of the Lord. I had the opportunity to go to school and Sunday School. Oh, how I loved learning. My teacher was involved in my life in so many ways,” she said. “When we moved into town and could walk to church, that was even more wonderful. I could be in the Christmas program. I could go to Sunday School regularly. The people at church were so kind. The goodness of the Lord is everywhere. I am who I am because of these experiences in the church and in school.”
As Norma grew older, she found that she enjoyed teaching younger children. She helped in various ways at church and following her confirmation in the Lutheran church began helping younger pupils both at church and in her school
“Even as far back as when I was in second grade in the country school, the teacher gave me responsibility for younger children and asked me to help them learn songs and lessons,” she said. “I would take them into the basement while she was teaching other grades. I just loved school and learning. At times teachers gave me extra work, and I just loved it.”
When she was a teen, her pastor encouraged her parents to consider sending Norma to Seward’s Concordia High School to study to become a teacher, which at the time shared the campus with then-named Concordia Teacher’s College.
“When I was younger, I didn’t speak much,” she said. “Although I loved learning, I was nervous about attending the high school. The Concordia student president scolded me one day for being so solemn about everything. I think he thought I wasn’t happy. He didn’t realize how thankful I was to be chosen by God to come to the school.”
Norma didn’t end up becoming a teacher. When she met her husband – who was seven years older than she – he was ready to be married and start a family. But she said she’s never forgotten her Concordia experience, and in many ways she’s come full circle, now spending so much time on the campus that means so much to her.
“It was all God’s calling and God’s timing,” she said. “He has called me to do many things in my life, and I just follow His leading.”
In 2000, Norma and her late husband established the Don and Norma Troester Church Worker Scholarship endowment for Concordia Nebraska, which provides financial support to students studying for church work careers.
“She likes to make gifts to that endowment on special occasions like her birthday, Don’s birthday, campus chaplain Pastor Matthias’ birthday and other special events,” explained Concordia Nebraska Senior Director for Development and Engagement Scott Seevers. “Norma is the sweetest of ladies and is incredibly faith filled. She loves interacting with students on campus…it gives her great joy!”
Norma said she frequently receives thank you notes and correspondence from students that were helped because of the endowment.
“I am so thankful for these students. I am so excited about everything they are learning. And Concordia reinforces that every day in chapel and in everything that is done. And I’m there with them every day to learn more about Jesus. I am 92 but I don’t know everything. There is always more to learn. We are blessed because of the Lord. My parents worked hard to be able to send me to school. In the same spirit, we created this endowment to help others. I am proud to support these students with my contributions. Well, not really proud,” she laughed. “Let’s call it humbly supporting. Yes, I like that much better. God has shown me that I am old enough to talk and say the things that are important to me. I’m not a shy introvert anymore. Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you.”
This March, we invite you to join us for Seeds of Generosity, a month-long celebration of giving and impact at Concordia University, Nebraska. Together, we’re sowing seeds of faith, learning and service that will grow for generations to come. Every gift—whether large or small—helps sustain our mission to provide Christ-centered education, support our students and prepare servant leaders for the church and the world.
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