Golden Reunion Alumni Profile: Sandy Pride

Published by Amy Crawford 1 year ago on Thu, Jun 29, 2023 10:56 AM

July 10-13, 2023 Concordia Nebraska celebrates the college classes of 1972 and 1973, and also the high school class of 1968 during a spectacular “Golden Reunion” celebration.  

Sandra (Sandy) Davis Pride ’73 always knew she wants to be a school teacher. She chose to attend Concordia Nebraska after her pastor brought her to Seward to visit the university. 

“He was adamant that I would be teaching in a Lutheran school,” she said. 

Pride has a bachelor of science degree in education from Concordia Nebraska and went on to receive a master’s degree in elementary education from Indiana University. She said her time at Concordia was filled with meaningful friendships and outstanding educational experiences. 

“One of my favorite things about my time at Concordia was meeting friends from all over the United States,” she said. “But during my time on campus, I was also treated as an adult and had classes that gave me practical information about situations that would arise during my teaching career.” 

Pride taught in Lutheran classrooms for 41 years and fondly recalls her first day of school as a teacher. 

“I remember standing in front of my first class, the first day of school, after hours of preparing my cute classroom,” she said. “I think student teaching prepared me the most.  I believe you either are a teacher or you're not…I feel I learned from my students every day.  And there are things that I did early on that I wish I could do over, but God blessed my efforts.” 

Pride taught first grade and said her number one job was to teach and share her love of Jesus and show how He was alive in her life. 

“It is so wonderful to see how my students have grown and live their faith,” she said. 

She said her time at Concordia helped to grow her faith, too. 

“Some of the things I had not fully understood in confirmation and Bible classes suddenly become more clear,” she explained. 

Pride, who is a widow, is now retired and travels often with Bulldogs on the Road, a group of Concordia Nebraska alumni and friends.  She has traveled to Alaska with the group and is looking forward to an upcoming Mediterranean cruise with the group as well.  Her husband, John Pride ’72, also attended Concordia Nebraska.  She has two married daughters and four grandchildren. 

“I run a grandma taxi and love it,” she said.  “I also enjoy walking with friends, volunteering at my church, reading, sewing, crafting and traveling.” 

Learn more about the Concordia Nebraska Golden Reunion celebration here

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