Health and human performance senior Micah Henschen looks forward to career in physical therapy

Published by Amy Crawford 1 day ago on Mon, Oct 14, 2024 8:00 AM

Senior Micah Henschen of Bancroft, Nebraska, is studying exercise science, biology and psychology at Concordia University, Nebraska. He serves as an upperclassmen Residence Hall Coordinator (RC), is a barista at university coffee shop 10:31 and is involved in intramural sports on campus. 

He said one of the reasons he chose to study at the university was because of its positive reputation. 

“People inside of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod speak highly of Concordia Nebraska because of the university’s approach to education,” he said. “However, it was the people who do not go to church or associate with Christianity that pushed me to attend here. As a devout Christian, it is very desirable to attend a school that aligns with your personal beliefs. However, going into a secular field, it is equally if not more important to gain the knowledge to be competitive in your chosen field, since those critiques sometimes are not Christian. If they are still speaking highly of the education I can receive here, there was no reason not to put Concordia Nebraska in the top list of schools.” 

Henschen said one thing that makes Concordia Nebraska different is its Christ-centered approach in all things

This education is preparing me to step into a world that at times seems to hate the Gospel, and still be confident to proclaim it in the everyday things. If I can be trustworthy in the care I give patients, I might just be trustworthy enough to plant a seed for the Holy Spirit to work through.

“It is easy to talk about our ability to produce quality well-spoken and respected church workers because Christ is at the center of their education. However, for other students, we are going into the secular world where we may get in legal trouble for speaking the truth,” he said. “Concordia University, Nebraska does an incredible job teaching us the skills needed to contribute to that secular world. However, being a private Lutheran school, we can go a step deeper in our classes and learn more about our vocation and work towards being disciples in a world that seems to do anything but care about the Gospel.” 

Henschen said the university’s health and human performance studies and science department are leaders in the industry. 

“All the professors are more than qualified to teach in their respective fields, which shows the attractiveness our school has to those outside of the student body. The exercise science degree is seen at Concordia Nebraska as a steppingstone to graduate school,” he explained. “For me, that is physical therapy, and I have had an incredible amount of help in making sure I can find the school and build the resume that DPT programs are looking for. I feel as if some schools throw you to the wolves and have you figure it out yourself, but the professors and individual advisors really help us personally to reach the goals we have set for ourselves. They do not hold our hand through the process, but they are certainly there to help us navigate the hard parts of college and beyond.” 

Henschen found his way to Concordia Nebraska through his family. His father Rev. Nathan Henschen ‘92, mother Rhonda Henschen GR ‘19 and sister Rebekah Henschen ‘22 all attended Concordia Nebraska.  

“Bulldog blue runs deep, and I wanted to be the black sheep of my family and make my path. However, after a ‘forced’ visit to campus, it was clear that this was the path that God had for me,” he said. “Of course, the university did want me to attend here, but I learned very quickly that even if Concordia would not be my home, they would still try to help me get wherever I had to go. I remember thinking, ‘If this place cares so much about me and I haven’t spent a dollar on tuition, how much greater is it going to be as a student.’ I have not been disappointed yet.” 

He said he’s had many poignant and memorable experiences on campus, but one thing that stands out is serving on the Student Life Team.  

“I was a Resident Assistant for two years and two summers, and that time was transformative in helping me discover myself. Being able to pour into the students on our campus and help make them feel like Concordia Nebraska is home has been an absolute blessing,” he said.  

Henschen said his professors’ kindness and skills stand out most in the smaller classes because they spend time understanding students personally.  

Following graduation, Henschen seeks to continue his studies with the plan to eventually become a physical therapist somewhere in the northern Midwest. Henschen’s father is a pastor in northeast Nebraska at a small dual parish, his mother serves as the preschool director at Christ Lutheran in Norfolk, Nebraska. His fiancée Elizabeth is also finishing her last year at the university pursuing a degree in secondary English education with an LTD.  

“I have a group of incredibly wise adults in my corner who will go to battle for me," he said. “This education is preparing me to step into a world that at times seems to hate the Gospel, and still be confident to proclaim it in the everyday things. If I can be trustworthy in the care I give patients, I might just be trustworthy enough to plant a seed for the Holy Spirit to work through.” 

The exercise science program at Concordia University, Nebraska offers students the opportunity to advance knowledge, skills and abilities to create and execute exercise programs for a variety of individuals while staying current with innovative research by utilizing state-of-the-art human performance laboratory equipment. Students learn how to apply the gifts God has given them to enhance the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional and social well-being of others. Concordia Nebraska equips students to prepare for careers in exercise and health settings, as well as graduate programs in these fields. 

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