How Concordia Can Help You Become a Missionary

Missionaries are members of the Body of Christ whose calling is to spread the Gospel to places that the Gospel is not often proclaimed. Missionaries in The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod can serve anywhere from communities right outside their homes to villages in rural Africa or large cities in East Asia. If you are interested in serving the LCMS and God’s people in this way, Concordia University, Nebraska offers a multitude of unique opportunities that can help you along your path toward the mission field.
There is no singular "job description” for Lutheran missionaries. Instead, these servants of God can be called upon to spread the good news of the Gospel by utilizing the gifts they already possess, leading them to serve as healthcare providers, pastors, deaconesses, educators, and more. Therefore, several of Concordia’s academic programs can align with one’s goals in mission work – and anyone can become a missionary, no matter their skill set!
Some specific programs at Concordia that may especially interest students who want to work on missions abroad include Spanish, World and Intercultural Studies, and Theology majors and minors. The pre-seminary and pre-deaconess programs can assist students who wish to serve as missionary pastors or deaconesses. With courses entitled “Missional Leadership,” “Global Issues,” “Language and Culture,” and more, students in these areas of study will learn outreach strategies, the history of mission work, the function and leadership of English language learner programs, and how to approach pertinent social issues from a Christian perspective.
The LCMS puts forth seven priorities that guide the work of missionaries, including those serving abroad and those close to home. These address all aspects of missionary work, emphasizing church planting, collaboration among synod members, enhancement of education programs, and support for church workers. These priorities generalize to missionaries across the synod, and even to students like those at Concordia, who can gain hands-on mission experience during their time in college.
Concordia’s primary on-campus organization focused on mission work is Mission Minded Students (MMS), whose purpose is to provide awareness of and connection to mission opportunities for students. In the past, MMS has sent students to places like the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Belize, and more. Upcoming trips will allow students to teach VBS classes to children in Poland, lead health outreach in Guatemala, and serve alongside current missionaries in Uruguay.
However, not all mission work takes place in foreign countries; in fact, some of the most vital outreach serves communities within the United States. The LCMS puts forth servants in the campus ministry, Black and Hispanic ministries, urban missions, church revitalization, and more. At Concordia, students have the chance to declare minors in fields like youth ministry, urban ministry, world and intercultural studies, and more. These can supplement a student’s interest and skills in local ministry, preparing them to serve in the mission field alongside their chosen professional vocation.
Whether you are a student who wishes to become a “career missionary” or whether you simply want to spread God’s Word to others whom you see every day, Concordia can prepare you for a life of serving God and His people. From classes to campus organizations and even academic majors and minors, Concordia has the resources that future missionaries need to build their skills in the knowledge and understanding of believers and unbelievers, a sense of perseverance, and, above all, a solid faith and trust in God’s firm foundation.
Interested in mission opportunities at Concordia? Learn more here.
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