How to Get Involved at Concordia

Published by Hope Nelson 8 months ago on Thu, Nov 9, 2023 8:06 AM

If you’re currently attending college or have graduated in the recent past, it’s likely that, at some point, someone told you to “get involved.” They might tell you that it’s a wonderful way to make friends, to learn about your school, and to have fun. People tell us these things for good reason – getting involved really is that useful! Here at Concordia University, Nebraska, you’ll find that there is no shortage of ways to get involved, both on- and off-campus.   

Concordia is, before anything else, a Lutheran school, meaning that worship opportunities are one of the best and most available opportunities for involvement on campus. From daily chapel services to Praise, evening prayer, and Bible studies (both the campus-wide Attic study and other small groups), worship is one of the primary ways for Concordia students to get involved and meet others. Plus, many have found that helping with Praise, playing organ or with a praise band in chapel, or even starting their own Bible study has allowed them further connections and opened up new relationships.  

Even off-campus, worship opportunities abound in the town of Seward. St. John Lutheran Church, as well as numerous other churches in the area, offers worship services on Sunday mornings as well as other days of the week. Community churches are always ready to welcome university students with open arms and off-campus opportunities to further their spiritual growth.  

Other off-campus events that may interest Concordia students take place at various times and in various places during the week – just check out one of the many bulletin boards around campus that keep students updated about upcoming events, such as Halloween costume contests at the VFW, author talks at the Seward Memorial Library, or movie screenings at the Rivoli Theater! 

Back on campus, events hosted by Concordia’s Student Life Office and their team offer students a break from their schoolwork at various times throughout the week. Recent events have included a trivia night, caramel apple making, karaoke, and more! Whether or not you’re into doing the activities that take place at these events, there are always other people there with whom you can build friendships. Plus, most of them include snacks – which are always a bonus. 

One extension of the Student Life Office is Concordia’s hardworking team of resident assistants (RAs), who, when they’re not attending classes, working other jobs, or ensuring that their dorm hallway is safe, clean, and inviting, host hall events that members of their residence halls are encouraged to attend. Most RAs host events around once a month, and activities can range from painting at Neutral Grounds to watching a movie in the lounge or even playing a sport in the quad. Hall events are a great opportunity for students to grow closer to the people with whom they live and likely interact on a daily basis!  

It’s also important for students to get involved around campus with their classmates and those who share their same academic major. At Concordia, clubs and intramurals are the ideal place to accomplish this. With a club for just about every talent, hobby and program of study, getting involved with people who share the same interests as you is remarkably easy – just attend the annual Activities Fair in August, sign up for several clubs’ mailing lists, and choose to take the initiative to attend one or more that appeal to you! Chances are that, even if you go alone, by the end of the first meeting, you’ll have found a new friend.  

Getting involved at Concordia isn’t difficult. With so many options to attend SLO events, off-campus activities and worship services, hall-specific events, and join clubs and intramurals, it’s even hard to be bored. Putting yourself out there and choosing to attend these events can sometimes be the hard part, however – so bring a friend! Invite your roommate or another friend along and try something new together. Even if you don’t get to know anyone at the event (which is unlikely), you and your friend will strengthen an existing bond. So get out there! Get involved, and learn what Concordia is all about.  

Interested in studying at Concordia University, Nebraska? Learn more here.  

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