Why Study at a Lutheran University?

Published by Concordia University, Nebraska 2 years ago on Thu, Apr 7, 2022 9:30 AM

Purpose. Excellence. A Focus on Faith. That’s the Value of Christian Education at Concordia Nebraska.

Whether you’re in your senior year of high school or returning to college for graduate study, finding the institution that fits you, your interests and career goals is no small feat. If you’re one of the 65% of Americans who identify as Christian—or even if you belong to a different faith—and are considering a private or faith-based college, a Lutheran Christian education can help lay the foundation for a  purposeful and meaningful career and life.

At Concordia University, Nebraska, we aim to help you develop as a whole person: intellectually, personally, socially and spiritually, regardless of your religious affiliation. Here, you’ll join a community of like-minded individuals with a shared commitment to improving our world—and helping others know God’s saving love.

Experience the Benefits of a Lutheran Education at One of the Best Christian Colleges

For many students, going to college is the logical next step after high school, but higher education can help you discover your sense of purpose alongside greater academic achievement. Pursuing your education at a Lutheran university brings together Christ’s relationship with you, your ethics, academics and professional aspirations. The best Christian universities, like Concordia Nebraska, equip you with the skills and degree you need for a meaningful career as well as preparation for your future vocations and purpose for the future. 

At Lutheran universities, you’ll learn the latest concepts in your field under faculty who have a vested interest in your personal growth and life. You’ll gain professional experience as much as you’ll learn to lead and serve, and you’ll do it all at an institution with Christ at its center.

Top Advantages of Attending a Private Lutheran University

Finding your calling: Gain a deepened sense of purpose as you discover your passion and grow in Christ’s relationship with you.  Both on-campus and online Christian colleges encourage developing an inquisitive and critical mind, helping you discover God’s calling in your life.

Spiritual growth: Practice your faith openly and participate in chapel, prayer and devotions at a Lutheran university. Many Christian colleges offer events centered around worship, mission trips, prayer request lines or other ways to serve in your community and elevate your faith

Academic achievement: Challenge yourself to master course concepts and excel in the classroom. Lutheran universities have a long history of inspiring students to thrive academically.

A faith-based community: Join a community that shares your values and helps you expand your worldview. Students of many faiths and religious affiliations attend Lutheran universities and grow by learning from one another.

Rewarding careers: Secure a career as a servant-leader in the church, healthcare, education, business, the sciences and countless other fields following your study at a Lutheran college. Concordia has nearly 100% placement rates in several professions.

A Lutheran University with Four Central Promises

At Concordia Nebraska, we strive to be one of the best Christian universities in the nation. To build upon the groundwork of Lutheran faith and theology, we deliver on four foundational promises for education at Concordia Nebraska.


Guidance from faith-filled mentors. 

Grace freely given and received.


Varied perspectives of the world, its inhabitants and cultures.

Biblical perspectives to bring meaning and understanding.


Gratefully utilize talents in service to others.

Fully develop God-given gifts and talents.


Apply skills & knowledge in harmony with character and faith.

Navigate the intersection of faith and culture.

Faculty Who Live Out Their Values in the Classroom and Beyond

Both traditional and online Christian colleges have another advantage: their faculty. Faculty at the best Christian universities cherish personalized relationships with students and work hard to foster the one-on-one connections that help students thrive. 

Concordia Nebraska faculty combine their Biblical worldview with years of experience and specialized knowledge to reach each student personally, spiritually and academically. Our faculty show the same devotion to the development of the individual in both on-campus and online settings, which is part of what sets us apart as a traditional and online Christian college.

Careers for Graduates of Christian Colleges

Earning your degree at a Lutheran university can prepare you for work in the church or Christian not-for-profit service entities,  but it doesn’t limit you to a particular sector. Concordia Nebraska offers several degree programs equivalent to or exceeding the preparation you’d receive in a secular setting, so you can follow God’s calling for you and serve your neighbor in whatever vocations you pursue.

Careers in the church or Lutheran education include:

Careers in the public and private sectors include:

Why Choose a Lutheran University? Hear From Our Students

Nathan Leonard
Nathan Leonard
Topeka, Kan.

I think the typical Concordia student is excited to be here. They enjoy campus and the community around them. While not everyone is Christian, they can experience that love and share it with people around them.

Matthew Murphy
Matthew Murphy
Colorado Springs, Colo.

No matter where you go, there will always be nice buildings and programs. But you can’t replicate or fabricate the community that Concordia is built on.

What Will You Study at a Lutheran University?

Like secular institutions, programs at Lutheran universities vary based on region, faculty and other factors. A Lutheran university can offer a vibrant atmosphere with music, Biblical study, theology and Christian leadership programs. While many degrees at Lutheran universities are focused on church work preparation, Concordia Nebraska provides over 70 undergraduate and 17 graduate programs to help you see God’s callings for you.

Sample faith-based undergraduate courses at Concordia Nebraska:

  • Christian Doctrine
  • Study of Original Biblical Languages
  • Faith and Life
  • Interpretation of Selected Old Testament Prophetical Books
  • New Testament Gospels and Epistles. 

Sample Christian-centered graduate courses at Concordia Nebraska:

  • Serving and Leading in Community and World
  • Faith-based Coaching
  • Ethics for School Leadership 
  • Public Health Ethics 
  • Business Ethics

An Affordable Christian College

At Concordia Nebraska, we know the value of attending a Lutheran college. We keep our institution an affordable Christian college by providing several faith-based scholarships, benefits for veterans, talent scholarships and the Lutheran Guarantee. Discover more about what makes Concordia an affordable Christian college or request information today.

Find Your Calling at Concordia Nebraska

At Concordia, we believe that God calls everyone into numerous and various personal and professional vocations,  organizing your DNA for you to develop your talents into skills to be the person He has called you to be. A Lutheran Christian education helps you discover your calling by learning to incorporate new knowledge, cultivate independent thoughts and wrestle with complex scenarios as you employ God’s revealed Word to do so. You’ll gain the analytical foundation necessary to serve and be impactful in today’s global environment and the development you need to succeed as a whole person — in mind, body and spirit. 

At a Lutheran university like Concordia, you’ll ask hard questions, dig deep and think with purpose, shining His light inward to find out who God made you to be. You’ll learn what you need to become a well-rounded citizen, thoughtful steward and responsible leader, ultimately shining that light outward in service for the good of others. Apply today to start down the path of your God-given calling. 

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