Nebraska Court of Appeals convenes at Concordia Sept. 10

In honor of Constitution Day, the Nebraska Court of Appeals will convene on the campus of Concordia University, Nebraska Sept. 10 as part of its College Campus Initiative outreach program.
The Court of Appeals will divide into its customary two panels, with three judges each, to hold arguments at 9:30 a.m., and again at 1:30 p.m., at the Thom Leadership Education Center auditorium, located at 212 College Avenue in Seward. The sessions are free, open to the public and visitors are encouraged to attend.
“As a Nebraska university, we are honored to have the Nebraska Court of Appeals on campus,” said Concordia President Brian Friedrich. “This is a valuable learning opportunity for our students, area high school students and community members. I am confident that all who attend will benefit from seeing firsthand how our judicial system works, and we are pleased to be a part of making this experience available.”
The Court of Appeals will hear several cases during both the morning and afternoon sessions, followed by an open question and answer session with students in attendance. Students will be given detailed descriptions of each case to help them follow the legal arguments. Resources for each of the cases can be found on the Court of Appeals' website.
This College Campus Initiative, designed by the judges of the Court of Appeals, is intended to provide Nebraskans the opportunity to learn about the judicial branch. Concordia students, along with government and social studies classes from area high schools, are invited to attend. Reporters, including student journalists, are encouraged to participate and ask questions.
The Court of Appeals is Nebraska’s second-highest court and reviews appeals of state trial court decisions. The decision of the Nebraska Court of Appeals is final unless granted further review by the Nebraska Supreme Court. The six judges on the Court of Appeals issue an average of more than 400 written opinions each year.
High school classes or groups can make arrangements to observe Court of Appeals oral arguments sessions held Sept. 10 at 9:30 a.m., or 1:30 p.m., by contacting Jessica Manley, Concordia’s guest experience coordinator, at 402-643-7274 or
- Resources have been posted on the Court of Appeals' website for arguments that will be heard at both sessions.
For information on audio recording of oral argument sessions at Concordia, or about the Court of Appeals traveling oral arguments, email Janet Bancroft, Nebraska Supreme Court public information officer, at
More information about the Court of Appeals and other Nebraska courts can be found on the Judicial Branch website at