Nebraska National Guard Museum announces Concordia University Learning Center

Thanks to a generous gift from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces, working in partnership with Concordia University, Nebraska, the Nebraska National Guard Museum, supported by the Nebraska National Guard Museum Historical Society, has created the Concordia University Learning Center in its new location in Seward, Nebraska.
“The LCMS is a leader in providing chaplains for those serving and defending our country, and LCMS pastors in Nebraska, including alumni of Concordia University, Nebraska, have served members of the Nebraska National Guard with God’s love and mercy for many years. It is an honor for the LCMS and the university to be involved with the Seward community and the Nebraska National Guard through the Concordia University Learning Center. We pray that the LCMS’ generous funding and our ongoing partnership with the museum will bring many benefits to our community and state,” said Concordia President Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich.
The museum, including the learning center, will be dedicated on July 4, 2016, at 9 a.m. The dedication will open with the national anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. Then the 16 Nebraska Army National Guard aviators who have died during the last century will be honored with the laying of a wreath by the family of Kenneth Knott of David City, Nebraska. Knott’s aircraft was lost over Lake Michigan in 1966. Escorting Ramona (Knott) Luntz will be Concordia University, Nebraska alumni Colonel Eric Teegerstrom ’88 of the Nebraska Army National Guard and Captain Margaret Ingerslew ’04 of the United States Air Force. Once the wreath is laid, the 16 aviators’ names will be read, a bell will be rung and Taps will be played. In addition, Adjutant General of Nebraska Major General Daryl Bohac will provide a message for those in attendance.
Military museums like the Nebraska National Guard Museum often bring together many different community groups looking to inspire young people through various educational programs and presentations. With that intention in mind, the Concordia University Learning Center will provide the space and functionality required to inform the public and facilitate educational opportunities that complement structured classroom learning for students.
The Concordia University Learning Center is a high-traffic area in between the exhibit area and the theater. It is designed to hold a classroom of up to 30 students for a pre-determined presentation. The room has audio-visual monitors, computer access and dry erase boards. Seating, a podium and a sound system can be configured to the size of the classroom.
About the Nebraska National Guard Museum Historical Society
The Nebraska National Guard Museum Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) charitable/non-profit organization. The Society’s mission is “To collect, access, preserve, store, account for, de-militarize, and value historical artifacts and records for training, development, and interpretation of the Nebraska Army and Air National Guard and the State of Nebraska military history and heritage of its citizen-soldiers and airmen. To educate and ‘tell the story’ to the members of the Army and Air Guard and the general public about the heritage of the Nebraska National Guard in both peace and war.”