Poppe Inducted Into Criminal Justice Honor Society

Published by Brooke Lange 2 years ago on Mon, Mar 14, 2022 1:50 PM

Elayne Poppe, a junior from Lincoln, Nebraska, was recently inducted into Alpha Phi Sigma, the only national criminal justice honor society.  

In order to be inducted, students must complete the equivalent of three full-time semesters of course work, complete four criminal justice courses, major or minor in criminal justice or a related field, carry a 3.2 cumulative GPA and a 3.2 or higher within the criminal justice major or minor and be recommended by a faculty advisor. Dr. Kathy Miller, professor of sociology, and Dr. Ed Hoffman, associate professor of criminal justice and director of the online criminal justice program, serve as faculty advisors of the Concordia chapter.  

“Elayne is an excellent student and kind person. She is always prepared and always treats others with respect. She is very deserving of this honor,” Hoffman said of Poppe. 

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