Rev. Dr. Paul Devantier serves church and world through work in radio and communications

Rev. Dr. Paul Devantier landed his first radio job as a disc jockey in his hometown of Wausau, Wisconsin. After graduating from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, he became general manager of radio stations KFUO and KFUO-FM in St. Louis. From there he became executive director of communications for The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. During this time, he headed efforts in a nine-year litigation to defend religious freedom in broadcasting. The effort was successful, ending in a landmark ruling by a Federal Appeals Court. He also headed a national program in Washington, D.C. funded by the United States Congress to encourage adoption. He ended his full-time career as a senior vice president of Concordia Seminary.
In 1974 he began serving as the speaker on a brief daily syndicated “thought for the day” radio program called “By The Way,” and continues this role today, having achieved a milestone of 50 years and more than 18,000 consecutive days on the air.
Devantier’s voice has been broadcast on radio stations throughout the United States and beyond, and through websites and podcasts, as well. Programs are recorded in advance, then produced, dated, and sent to radio stations. He has recorded a message for every single day since 1974. He recalls that his early programs were distributed to radio stations on long-play record albums. Today, programs are sent to stations electronically via the internet. In addition to radio and website programs, five “By The Way” books have been published, the most recent in 2020.
By The Way has been a way to express my faith and the love I have had since childhood for God’s gift of radio.
“Being the speaker has never been a formal or full-time position,” he explained. “It has been a pleasant sideline.”
He has held a number of executive positions during his long career while writing, editing and recording “By The Way.”
“By The Way has been a way to express my faith and the love I have had since childhood for God’s gift of radio,” he said.
Devantier and his wife, Ellen, currently live in Appleton, Wisconsin. They have five children and nine grandchildren. Over the years, they have been very involved in adoption and cared for more than 80 foster children in their home.
Devantier said that Concordia Nebraska is very special to him.
“I have not been a student on the Seward campus, but I have known the college and the university throughout my career,” he explained. “[In college], I knew Seward students and graduates. Then in my positions as general manager of KFUO and KFUO-FM and as executive director of communications for The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, I worked directly with and reported on Synod's colleges and universities, including Concordia Nebraska. I became well-acquainted with former Presidents Dr. Orville Walz and Dr. Brian Friedrich. I considered both close personal friends and leaders I held in high regard. I came to know faculty members, as well, and appreciated their expertise and professionalism.”
In 1998, Devantier received the university’s Doctor of Letters Degree, which is conferred upon individuals who have distinguished themselves through creative contributions to their field of endeavor. He is a graduate of Concordia College, Milwaukee, Concordia Senior College, Fort Wayne and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He also received a master’s degree in mass communications from Southern Illinois University.
“I am grateful for the Christ-focus, inspiration, friendships developed and kindness I experienced from a wonderful university and am very pleased to be able to call Concordia Nebraska one of my dearly-loved alumni educational institutions,” he said.
Concordia Nebraska promises to deliver a Lutheran, Christian higher education that equips students not only with a set of skills and a degree, but also with a sense of Christian vocation and purpose for the future, emphasizing the Christ-centered message of the Gospel.
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